Historisk arkiv

Foreign Minister Jan Petersen condemns terrorist attack in Israel

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Foreign Minister strongly condemns the suicide bombing in Haifa were at least 18 people died and over 40 were injured. (06.10.03)

Press release

No.: 166/03
Date: 06.10.2003

Foreign Minister Jan Petersen condemns terrorist attack in Israel

Foreign Minister Jan Petersen strongly condemns the suicide bombing in the town of Haifa, northern Israel. According to the latest reports, at least 18 people died in the attack and over 40 were injured.

"I strongly condemn this atrocity, which was perpetrated on the eve of the most important Jewish festival, Yom Kippur," said the Minister. "A crime like this is totally indefensible."

"The efforts to have the implementation of the road map to peace resumed, were already extremely difficult," he continued. "This suicide attack will worsen things even further, and will make the situation even more difficult for the new Palestinian government, which I hope will be in place very soon."

"Job number one for the new Palestinian government must be to do everything in its power to prevent extremist groups from carrying out these atrocities, as the road map requires them to do. Those who are responsible for today’s attack must be found and brought to justice."

"I call again on both the Israeli and the Palestinian leaders to resume the peace process. We cannot accept a situation where violence and counter-violence are allowed to decide the agenda of relations between Israelis and Palestinians," said Mr Petersen.