Historisk arkiv

Norway gives financial support to new elections in Georgia

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Norwegian government is allocating up to NOK 4 million in support of the elections. (02.12.03)

Press release

No.: 203/03
Date: 02.12.2003

Norway gives financial support to new elections in Georgia

Georgia’s acting president, Nino Burdjanadze, gave an account of the situation in the country at the meeting of OSCE foreign ministers in Maastricht today.

Acting President Burdjanadze stressed the importance of holding free and fair elections in Georgia, and appealed for assistance in achieving this.

The foreign ministers’ response was a clear indication of the international community’s willingness to assist Georgia in building lasting democracy. Over EUR 5 million was pledged as support for the holding of democratic elections.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Petersen emphasised the importance of laying a sound democratic foundation in Georgia and said that the Norwegian government is allocating up to NOK 4 million in support of the elections.

Mr Petersen will be meeting Mr Burdjanadze tomorrow to discuss the situation in Georgia.