Historisk arkiv

Norwegian government submits Proposition to the Storting on extension of EEA Agreement

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Norwegian government submitted a Proposition to the Storting on the enlargement of the European Economic Area (EEA). The Proposition describes the results of the negotiations on the enlargement of the EEA and the conditions for co-operation with the new member states when the EU is enlarged on 1 May 2004. (13.10.03)

Press release

No.: 173/03
Date: 10.10.2003

Norwegian government submits Proposition to the Storting on extension of EEA Agreement

The Norwegian government submitted a Proposition to the Storting today on the enlargement of the European Economic Area (EEA). The Proposition describes the results of the negotiations on the enlargement of the EEA and the conditions for co-operation with the new member states when the EU is enlarged on 1 May 2004. Under the Agreement the new member states become part of the EEA. Foreign Minister Jan Petersen said that "The Agreement is a good basis for the further development of our relations with the new member states. Under the Agreement Norway will make a considerable financial contribution to improving the state of the environment, external border control, infrastructure, health care, regional co-operation and education in the enlarged EU/EEA."

The Agreement makes it possible for us to continue and to some extent further develop trade in fish with the EU without it having been necessary to negotiate on allowing investment in the Norwegian fishing fleet. The Foreign Minister confirmed that "The government’s view is that workers from the new member states are to be given equal treatment with workers from today’s EEA countries when the new Agreement enters into force next year." However, before the enlargement the government will assess the risk of unintended effects and the need for control measures in connection with Norway’s welfare arrangements.

The new Agreement was initialled on 3 July 2003. It will now be formally dealt with by the Council of the European Union and will be signed in the near future. It will then be submitted to all the parties to the EEA, including the new ones, for approval. If everything goes according to plan the Agreement will enter into force on the same date as the EU enlargement takes effect, i.e. 1 May 2004. The government considers it important that the EU and the EEA are enlarged at the same time so that the internal market will continue to function after 1 May 2004.