Norwegian aid to flood victims on Hispañola
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II
Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet
Pressemelding | Dato: 27.05.2004 | Sist oppdatert: 24.10.2006
The money, NOK 1 million , will be used immediately for local purchases of food, clothing, medicines and drinking water. (27.05)
Press release
No.: 62/04
Date: 27.05.2004
Norwegian aid to flood victims in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
The Norwegian Government has decided to allocate NOK 1 million (USD 145 000) in humanitarian aid to the victims of the worst floods on the island of Hispañola in 100 years.
The money is being channelled through Norwegian Church Aid and its local partner, Servicio Social de Iglesias, and will be used immediately for local purchases of food, clothing, medicines and drinking water.
Press contact: Information Adviser Odd Naustdal, tel.: 22 24 30 12; mobile phone: 911 49 490