Historisk arkiv

Norwegian support to UN Security Council resolution concerning the ICTY and ICTR

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Norway welcomes the unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council the 26. March of a resolution reaffirming the international community’s continued resolve to bring fugitive indictees to justice. (29.03.04)

Press release

No.: 30/04
Date: 26.03.2004

Norwegian support to UN Security Council resolution concerning the ICTY and ICTR

Norway welcomes today’s unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council of a resolution reaffirming the international community’s continued resolve to bring fugitive indictees to justice before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

"I find it encouraging that the Security Council hereby clearly states that within the completion of the Tribunals’ mandates, the main fugitive indictees, including Karadzic, Mladic and General Gotovina as well as Kabuga, the main financial backer of the Hutu extremist militias, must face trial at the ICTY and ICTR, respectively. Without bringing the highest-ranking indictees to justice, the essential mission of the Tribunals will remain unfulfilled", says Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Petersen.

In its resolution, the Security Council endorses the Completion Strategies outlined by the Tribunals, which imply that all work is to be completed in 2010.

"We appeal once again to all States, especially those of the former Yugoslavia as well as Rwanda and the countries in the region, to fulfil their obligation to cooperate with the Tribunals in accordance with the binding decisions of the Security Council", Mr. Petersen adds.