Historisk arkiv

White paper on export of defence materiel from Norway in 2003, export control and international non-proliferation co-operation

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The government has presented Report No. 41 to the Storting on export of defence materiel from Norway in 2003, export control and international non-proliferation co-operation the 28 th May. A white paper on this subject has been published every year since 1996. (01.06)

Press release

No.: 65/04
Date: 28.05.2004

White paper on export of defence materiel from Norway in 2003, export control and international non-proliferation co-operation

Today the government is presenting Report No. 41 to the Storting on export of defence materiel from Norway in 2003, export control and international non-proliferation co-operation.A white paper on this subject has been published every year since 1996.

In 2003 Norway exported defence materiel to a value of about NOK 3 024 billion. This is an increase of just over NOK 600 million compared with 2002. Much of the increase is due to the delivery of anti-aircraft systems to the Navy’s new frigates, which are being built in Spain.

This year’s white paper provides more information than before on the export of defence materiel. The details of the types of materiel received by the respective countries are given, and information on rejected applications for licences, on the brokering of defence materiel between third countries and on the transfer of production rights for defence materiel to other countries is being provided for the first time.