Historisk arkiv

Foreign Minister Jan Petersen comments on election of President Abbas

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

I congratulate Mahmoud Abbas on his election as President, says Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. The election result is a vote of confidence in moderate Palestinian forces. (11.01)

Press release

No.: 08/05
Date: 10.01.2005

Foreign Minister Jan Petersen comments on election of President Abbas

“I congratulate Mahmoud Abbas on his election as President,” says Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. “The election result is a vote of confidence in moderate Palestinian forces, and demonstrates that the Palestinian people now want to establish greater democracy, implement reforms and continue the peace process.”

“With a new Palestinian leadership and an Israeli government that has expressed the will to breathe fresh life into the peace process, a unique opportunity has opened up for the parties. President Abbas must exercise strong leadership and be prepared to take tough decisions, for example in connection with reform of the Palestinian security forces. At the same time, the Israeli authorities must play their part, if President Abbas is to succeed in his efforts. Close co-operation between the new Palestinian leadership and the Israeli government is essential, for example on the plans for withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank. It is only through co-operation and through showing real political will to achieve peace that the parties will succeed in bringing the peace process back on track,” says Mr Petersen.