Historisk arkiv

New travel advice for Sri Lanka

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

On the basis of the current situation in Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises Norwegian nationals to exercise caution while they are staying in the country. (29.08)

Press release

No.: 140/05
Date: 26.08.2005

New travel advice for Sri Lanka

Norway plays an active and controversial role in the peace process in Sri Lanka. Since the assassination of the Sri Lankan foreign minister, there has been increasingly negative focus on Norway’s involvement in the conflict. Despite fears to the contrary, however, no incidents targeting Norwegians in Sri Lanka have been reported. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is therefore changing the travel advice given on 13 August.

The new travel advice is as follows:

On the basis of the current situation in Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises Norwegian nationals to exercise caution while they are staying in the country. The Embassy in Colombo should be contacted for up-to-date information.

Any questions relating to the travel advice may be directed to the press officer on duty at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rune Bjåstad, tel. +47 22243171 or +47 95043000.