Historisk arkiv

Afghanistan and the International Community - a Partnership for the Future

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Statement by H.E. Mr. Jan Petersen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway

Statement by H.E. Mr. Jan Petersen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Berlin 31. march 2004

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Statement by H.E. Mr. Jan Petersen, Minster of Foreign Affairs of Norway

Afghanistan and the International Community – a Partnership for the Future

Berlin, 31. March 2004

Mr. Chairman, President Karzai, Ministers, Excellencies,

Significant and positive steps have been taken since the Bonn agreement. But still, Afghanistan is at a critical juncture. I therefore commend the Afghan Transitional Government and the German Government for hosting this timely conference. Let us use this opportunity to renew our joint commitment to the Afghan people.

The security situation is a main challenge. Better lives for Afghan children, women and men depend on stability and security. Hence, the government’s commitment to the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration process is essential. Factional leaders and other destabilising forces must be brought under the control of the government.

The expansion of the ISAF mandate under NATO leadership is paramount in securing stability in Kabul and other parts of the country. Provincial Reconstruction Teams are needed to push this agenda even further. Support for NATO's activities in Afghanistan will remain a high priority for Norway.

From 2004 Afghanistan is one of our designated partner countries in development co-operation. This means an increase in long-term development assistance to the country. Our political commitment to Afghanistan clearly is for the long haul. There is an important lesson here: “There is no development and reconstruction without security, and there is no security without development and reconstruction.”

Mr. Chairman,

I welcome the new Constitution as a fundamental step towards a peaceful and democratic Afghanistan. In particular I appreciate that the rights of women and ethnic minorities have been strengthened. The constitution must now be reflected in laws and legal practices, and with due regard to a role for Islam that is acceptable to all Afghans.

I firmly believe that the protection and promotion of human rights are fundamental to peace, security and stability. I welcome the progress that has been made in the promotion of human rights in Afghanistan. I commend the reference in the Constitution to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission.

However, much remains to be done. Lack of respect for the rule of law is aggravating the human rights situation in many parts of the country. Women and girls are still the main victims. Norway will continue its support to the Afghan authorities in their efforts to promote human rights.

The forthcoming elections provide an opportunity to form a fully representative government in Kabul. However, there is an urgent need for clarification with regard to the electoral process. The elections must be seen as credible and legitimate by the Afghan people. Voter registration must be as inclusive as possible. The UNAMA voter registration campaign is crucial in this regard. No ethnic or religious group must be left out. Special attention must be given to the registration of female voters and the protection of these women when they cast their votes.

The UN has a key role to play in the development of Afghanistan. I commend the former Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi for his tireless efforts for the Afghan people. We now look forward to working closely with new the Special Representative, Jean Arnault. He will have the full support of Norway.

Mr. Chairman,

Long-term commitment of the international community is crucial for the future of Afghanistan. However, the main responsibility for finding a lasting political solution lies with the Afghan people. Together we shall work to combat extremism and terrorism and to secure a peaceful, democratic and prosperous future for Afghanistan.

Thank you.