Historisk arkiv

IPF-meeting on Sudan, Day 1, Chairman's summary

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Participants expressed deep concern about the humanitarian situation, in particular the lack of security and protection for the civilian population in the Darfur region. (28.09)

IPF-meeting on Sudan, 27-28. September 2004, Day 1, The humanitarian crisis in Darfur

Chairman's summary

The IGAD Partners Forum met in Oslo 27 th> of September to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. Participation also included countries and organizations that in the past have not attended IPF meetings. Representatives of the UN and the AU gave introductory briefings about humanitarian assistance and humanitarian protection and security in Darfur. Statements were made by representatives of the parties, the League of Arab States, the ICRC, the NGO community through ICVA, as well as by donors.

Participants expressed deep concern about the humanitarian situation, in particular the lack of security and protection for the civilian population in the Darfur region. Reference was made to recent and confirmed reports of numerous breaches of the N’djamena Humanitarian Cease-Fire Agreement by both sides. The parties were called upon to abide by the agreements they have signed and to refrain from all actions that might undermine the Abuja process.

While participants acknowledged recent improvements in humanitarian access to large parts of the region of Darfur, they expressed deep concern with regard to the situation in areas that remain inaccessible as well as the lack of capacity to meet escalating needs and the inadequacy of the donors response so far.

Participants welcomed progress made during the first round of the peace negotiations in Abuja and received with satisfaction commitments expressed by all parties present to be ready to negotiate in good faith, comply with commitments already subscribed to and adhere to International humanitarian law. Simultaneously, they expressed a strong sense of urgency for negotiations to resume without delay as any delay or adjournment will have direct impact on the civilian population on the ground.

Participants urged the parties to sign the Humanitarian Protocol that has been agreed and to conclude a protocol on security issues. Further, participants stressed the need for a political solution to the crisis, to see the conflict in Darfur in a national context, and agreed that a political solution must be consistent with the results of the peace negotiations between the GOS and the SPLM.

Participants expressed strong support to AU leadership in addressing the situation in Darfur, and welcomed the commitment by the AU to implement proactive monitoring as well as to further strengthen its reporting routines. Moreover, participants expressed their determination to support in principle the enhancement and expansion of the AU operation and emphasised the necessity of maintaining the spirit of partnership between the AU and the international community at large in order to fulfil this task.

While appreciating efforts made by the UN so far, participants urged the UN to further enhance its lead role with regard to the coordination of the humanitarian response to the crisis in Darfur. They called on all international donors to take part in these efforts.

Participants stressed the need for stronger co-operation and co-ordination between AU, UN, as well as other major actors, at HQ-level, in Khartoum, as well as in the field. Likewise, the Parties and in particular the GOS were encouraged to cooperate fully with the AU, the UN and other international organizations that work for the improvement of the humanitarian situation in Darfur.

Participants were urged to provide generous and sustained contributions to the humanitarian efforts underway in Chad and Darfur. However, concerns were also expressed that addressing the needs of the people of Darfur through financial and other forms of support must not lead to the drying up of assistance to other marginalized and war affected areas of the Sudan.