Historisk arkiv

Foreword by the Minister of International Development

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Guidelines for NGO's cooperation with Norwegian authorities

Foreword by the Minister of International Development


Voluntary work has long and strong traditions in Norway. The large number and high level of activity of Norwegian voluntary organizations have helped to lay the foundation for this country’s democratic way of life and high standard of social welfare. And by their activities Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and interest groups help maintain the diversity, quality of life and democratic attitudes that prevail in Norway.

Voluntary actors and civil society groups have undoubtedly done much to disseminate information and increase interest and engagement regarding international issues among the Norwegian public and the authorities. The idealism and team spirit of many of these organizations have transcended regional and national borders. And this has greatly benefited Norwegian development cooperation, where NGOs have become invaluable partners. Their work is more poverty- and grass roots-oriented than that of most other development actors. This is of inestimable value, and we continue to depend on it.

The government wishes to involve a wide range of different groups in its efforts to combat poverty and promote development. These new guidelines are thus intended to enhance the government’s dialogue and cooperation with NGOs. We believe that the guidelines will unite the various actors in a common vision of the focus and organization of development cooperation. The goal of the present government is that international development policy should be concerned with cooperation to promote development and poverty eradication. This applies to both countries and organizations.

The government wishes to promote a diversified voluntary sector in Norway and in Norway’s partner countries. Efforts to strengthen civil society will continue to have high priority in the coming period. We also wish to emphasize our respect for the voluntary actors’ role as independent driving forces and correctives. We hope that the guidelines will encourage the work of NGOs and enhance their cooperation with the Norwegian authorities. Our common goal is the eradication of poverty.

Good luck!

Hilde F. Johnson
Minister of International Development
Oslo, 08 December 2001