Historisk arkiv

Dinner for the Chinese Anti-doping Delegation

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Kulturdepartementet

Minister of Cultural Affairs, Anne Enger Lahnstein

Dinner for the Chinese Anti-doping Delegation

Hotel Bristol, 5. oktober 1999

Mister Ambassador Ma Enhan,

Dear Chinese and Norwegian guests,

I am very pleased - once again – to welcome a Chinese Anti-doping Delegation to Norway. Two years ago we dined at the Holmenkollen Hotel. On that occasion I was happy to experience the close contact and friendly atmosphere between the two sides. I almost got the impression that I was hosting a dinner for a group of old friends.

The anti-doping issue is complex – from a practical and scientific point of view. In addition – or rather as a consequence – it is also a difficult political question in national and international sport, and between international and national sport bodies. The present conflict between the International Cycling Union and the Danish Cycling Union might serve as an example of the unsolved problem: Are the athletes citizens of a country, and the laws and regulations of that country, or are they under the jurisdiction of the International Sports’ Society?

The Norwegian sport policy has always considered Norwegian athletes as equal members of the same national sport system. As a consequence, all Norwegian athletes have been treated according to the same rules and regulations for doping control, regardless of inconsistencies in international systems.

I am sure these important issues will be discussed during the Chinese Delegation’s stay. I take for granted that it is the intention of the Chinese sport authorities to develop consistent national standards that are applicable to all Chinese athletes, regardless of what sport they practice. We feel confident that the Chinese Anti-doping policy will bring China’s national solutions to the forefront of the nations with the best practises of today.

These words of welcome can not be brought to an end without mentioning the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. We are all delighted to witness China’s impressive development, and are confident of China’s contribution to international stability and human understanding.

We congratulate China on her contributions to world culture through her enormous past and impressive present.

Ambassador Ma Enhan, please accept these flowers as a humble token of our respect, and belief in China’s future contributions to our common destiny.

I wish the Chinese – Norwegian co-operation in Anti-doping intensive and fruitful days here in Oslo.

This page was last updated 7 october 1999 by the editors