Historisk arkiv

The Opening of the Wada-Meetings in Oslo

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Kulturdepartementet

Speech by Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn

The Opening of the Wada-Meetings in Oslo

Hotel Continental, Oslo, Norway, 14 November 2000

Mr Chairman – the WADA Board,

It is a great pleasure for me and the Norwegian Government to be host for the WADA-meetings in Oslo.

The anti-doping work is an important area for the Norwegian Government. Our Anti-Doping policy is based upon a solid national system. I know that building up national quality systems is a major goal for WADA, a perspective I really support. Every country should have as an aim to establish national quality systems, and I am sure WADA, together with IADA, is able to assist countries developing qualitative anti-doping systems. I believe those bodies together have the necessary competence, experience and political support, both from the governments and the sport movement to lead the anti-doping work a major step forward.

It’s my opinion that WADAs construction of representatives from governments throughout the world and the Olympic Family is an essential factor for success. The only way to achieve success is to join forces. The Norwegian anti-doping work builds upon the same model where the government and sport movement supplements each other.

During the initial period of WADAs structure, it is important to establish an independent organisation. An issue I know all of you are striving for.

The Norwegian Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports has done an excellent work to combat doping within organised sport. However, some single episodes during the last years have launched the questions about independence between different bodies within NOC. My concerns are about the fact that the control-, prosecuting- and judicial authorities are organised within the same organisation. Together we have decided to establish a control body, organised outside NOC’s authority. It is my ambition to establish the new control body as a foundation, consisting of a steering committee with representatives pointed out by the Government and the NOC.

Unfortunately, doping agents, especially anabolic steroids, are not a problem for the sport movement only. We know the substances are used among youngsters, and factors indicate a link between use of doping agents and violence. This is a threat for the society at large, and has to be solved through other mechanisms.

The Government proposes to broaden the scope of the Criminal Code regulating this area to include acquisition, possession and use of doping agents. Through this proposal the Government will amend the act at this point in order to improve the working conditions of the police in the anti-doping fight.

As pointed out, it is through common, harmonised solutions within each country we are able to combat doping.

I know this is a special day for WADA and I would like to use this opportunity to congratulate WADA with its first year of operating.

The Norwegian Government supports the idea of a world-wide co-operating body within the field on anti-doping.

I wish you a successful meeting and WADA a successful future.