Historisk arkiv

The "Local Democracy" chapter of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet

State Secretary Steinar Pedersen, 6. April 2000.

Comments by State Secretary Steinar Pedersen, 6.4.2000.

Comments by State Secretary Steinar Pedersen, 12 th> Conference of European Ministers responsible for Local Government, Istanbul, 6. April 2000.

Theme II: The Local Democracy chapter of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe

Mr Chair, excellences, ladies and gentlemen.

The Norwegian government is committed to promote peace, stability, democracy and respect for human rights in Europe.

The last decade proved that the situation in the south-east region of Europe, and other areas we previously regarded as remote, had a direct impact on Norway. Our security is inseparably bound up with security in the rest of the world.

The situation in the South-Eastern Europe requires considerable political, economic and military support from the international community. Norway is participating fully in these efforts. Our aim is to assist in democratisation and economic development, and thereby lay a better foundation for greater stability both within and between the countries of the region.

The Norwegian government is giving priority to the work on the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe. Norway is so far only an observer member of the Stability Pact. However, Norway participated actively in the Stability Pact in 1999 through our chairmanship of the OSCE, and we have taken initiatives to become a member.

The Norwegian government is committed to the promotion of democracy and human rights in this area. The administrative and institutional capacity at the national and local level must be strengthened if democracy is to survive.

We believe that reinforcing local democracy is a clear necessity. We therefore fully support the efforts of the Council of Europe in this field.

It is important that the Council of Europe`s expertise and experience is used to support these processes at local level. The European Charter of Local Self-Government is a useful reference for this work.

The program proposed by the Council of Europe focuses on activities to strengthen the capacity for action of local authorities and of their associations, and on developing democratic participation and citizens involvement in the political process at local level.

To conclude, Mr. Chair, I would like to emphasise that the Norwegian government fully supports the approach chosen by the Council of Europe.

Thank you.