Historisk arkiv

Siri Bjerke ber USA vise lederskap

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Miljøverndepartementet

Miljøvernminister Siri Bjerke har sendt et brev til lederen for USAs miljøverndirektorat, Christine Todd Whitman, med en innstendig anmodning om at USA viser lederskap i klimaarbeidet. 02.04.01) Les brevet

Miljøvernminister Siri Bjerke har sendt et brev til lederen for USAs miljøverndirektorat, Christine Todd Whitman, med en innstendig anmodning om at USA viser lederskap i klimaarbeidet.

Bjerke ber USA vise lederskap i klimaarbeidet

The Honorable Christine Todd Whitman
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C. 20460

30 March 2001

Dear Ms. Whitman,

The recent third assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has clearly stated that there is a human impact on climate change. While not all facets of the science on climate change are fully understood, a growing body of evidence shows that we are already beginning to see impacts from the effects of climate change. We have sufficient knowledge about the threat of climate change to take action now.

Norway takes the issue of climate change very seriously and is convinced that international co-operation is necessary to effectively reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and combat climate change. The recent change in the US position on climate change gives reason for deep concern.

In the opinion of Norway, the Kyoto Protocol is the legal basis we have to carry forward to implement the objectives of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to which both our countries are Parties. The Protocol is an innovative instrument even if it is not perfect. In the long-term, we realise that commitments will need to be considerably strengthened and participation will need to have a broader base. However, the Protocol is an important first step upon which such future agreements will be built.

The global community is presently engaged in the process of creating the conditions for ratification and entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol. Norway is committed to this process. Since the signing of the Protocol in 1997, we have made slow, but significant progress on the most innovative and effective provisions of the Protocol. This includes the creation of market-based mechanisms, such as international emissions trading, which will enable countries to meet their commitments in the most cost-effective and flexible manner. The US has been a constructive and important force in making this progress possible.

For more than a decade our two countries have cooperated in a positive and constructive manner in the climate negotiations. It is our wish that this cooperation be continued. I urge the US to demonstrate international leadership to meet the challenges posed by climate change.

Yours sincerely,

Siri Bjerke