Historisk arkiv

Sofieprisen 2001 til Attac

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Miljøverndepartementet

Siri Bjerke gratulerer

-Jeg ser fram til å dele ut Sofiprisen til Attac i Oslo i juni, skriver miljøvernminister Siri Bjerke i gratulasjonsbrevet til årets prisvinner. (02.04 01)

Miljøvernminister Siri Bjerkes gratulasjonsbrev til organisasjonen "Attac" som er tildelt årets Sofiepris. Selve prisutdelingen finner sted i Gamle Logen i Oslo 14. juni. (02.04.01)

The Sophie Prize 2001

Please receive my congratulations on the Sophie Prize 2001! It is my view that the nomination of ATTAC to this years’ award is very much in line with the Sophie Foundation’s expressed purpose: That the Sophie Prize shall go to individuals or organisations that in a pioneering or a particularly creative way, has pointed to alternatives to the present development. From what I have learned, ATTAC definitely fulfils these criteria.

I look forward to present the award to ATTAC at the official ceremony in Oslo in June, and to learn more about your work and strategies.

Yours sincerely,

Siri Bjerke