Historisk arkiv

Use of natural gas in Norway

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet

Press Release

No.: 67/00
Date: 04.10.2000

Contact: Ingvild Haug, +47 22 24 61 07

Use of natural gas in Norway

The Government wants to use more natural gas within the country. In the 2001 budget the Government proposes to support the building of a gas pipeline. This is a pilot project in the Bergen area, and next year NOK 20 million will be ear marked for this purpose.

-Natural gas will play an important role in a more environmentally friendly energy policy. Gas can replace more polluting energy sources in many areas, says Mr. Olav Akselsen, Minister of Petroleum and Energy. -Natural gas, both as an energy source and as raw material in the industry, also represents a potential for new business development and increased employment.

The Government emphasises that natural gas must become an integrated part of the energy policy and the industry and transport policy. This means that natural gas for energy purposes must be integrated as part of the energy system.