Historisk arkiv

New state secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Press Release

Nr.: 140/2000
Date: 20 October 2000


In today’s session of the Council of State, the King has appointed Ms. Lisbeth Berg-Hansen (37), fish farmer, Bindal, as state secretary at The Office of the Prime Minister from
20 October 2000. Ms. Lisbeth Berg-Hansen was political advisor in the Ministry of Fisheries 1992-1996.

Jens Stoltenberg’s government was appointed on 17 March 2000. It represents the Labour Party. The list of state secretaries is as follows:


Office of the Prime Minister:
Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre
Mr. Norvald Mo
Mr. Jan-Erik Larsen
Mr. Tom Therkildsen
Ms. Lisbeth Berg-Hansen

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign affairs:
Ms. Mona Juul
Mr. Raymond Johansen
Mr. Espen Barth Eide

Ministry of Defence:
Mr. Øystein Singsaas

Ministry of Trade and Industry:
Ms. Britt Schultz
Mr. Olav Soleng

Ministry of Labour and Government Administration:
Ms. Marianne Seip Haugsnes

Ministry of Finance:
Mr. Vidar Ovesen
Ms. Ellen Mo
Ms. Hege Marie Norheim

Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:
Mr. Steinar Pedersen
Mr. Audun Tron
Mr. Sverre Bugge

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, health affairs:
Mr. Lars Erik Flatø

Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Mr. Roger Ingebrigtsen

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, social affairs:
Mr. Tore Hagebakken

Ministry of Transport and Communications:
Ms. Eirin Kristin Sund

Ministry of Fisheries:
Ms. Ellen Bergli

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international development:
Ms. Sigrun Møgedal

Ministry of the Environment:
Mr. Stein Lier-Hansen

Ministry of Agriculture:
Mr. Sveinung Valle

Ministry of Justice and the Police:
Mr. Øystein Mæland
Ms. Anne Lise Ryel

Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:
Ms. Solveig Solbakken

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:
Ms. Bjørg Kirsten Sandal

Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:
Ms. Berith Bergersen
Ms. Randi Øverland