Historisk arkiv

Tom Therkildsen state secretary at Prime Minister's Office

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Press release

No.: 68/2000
Date: 5 May 2000

Tom Therkildsen state secretary
at the Office of the Prime Minister

In today’s session of the Council of State, the Prince Regent has appointed Mr. Tom Therkildsen (39), head of secretariat, Rådal, as state secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister from 8 May 2000. Mr. Therkildsen is Cand. Polit from the University of Bergen 1987. He comes from the post as head of Statoil’s group management secretariat. He is a former scholar, assistant professor, office manager and IT director at the University of Bergen. Mr. Therkildsen was political advisor in the Ministry of Trade and Energy 1994-1995, and political advisor and state secretary in the Ministry of Finance 1996-1997.

Jens Stoltenberg’s government was appointed on 17 March 2000. It represents the Labour Party. The list of state secretaries is as follows:

Office of the Prime Minister:

Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre
Mr. Norvald Mo
Ms. Hege Marie Norheim
Mr. Jan-Erik Larsen
Mr. Tom Therkildsen

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign affairs:
Ms. Mona Juul
Mr. Raymond Johansen
Mr. Espen Barth Eide

Ministry of Defence:
Mr. Øystein Singsaas

Ministry of Trade and Industry:
Ms. Britt Schultz
Mr. Olav Soleng

Ministry of Labour and Government Administration:
Ms. Reidun Wallevik

Ministry of Finance:
Mr. Vidar Ovesen
Ms. Ellen Mo

Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:
Mr. Steinar Pedersen
Mr. Audun Tron
Mr. Sverre Bugge

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, health affairs:
Mr. Lars Erik Flatø

Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Mr. Roger Ingebrigtsen

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, social affairs:
Mr. Tore Hagebakken

Ministry of Transport and Communications:
Ms. Eirin Kristin Sund

Ministry of Fisheries:
Ms. Ellen Bergli

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international development:
Ms. Sigrun Møgedal

Ministry of the Environment:
Mr. Stein Lier-Hansen

Ministry of Agriculture:
Mr. Sveinung Valle

Ministry of Justice and the Police:
Mr. Øystein Mæland
Ms. Anne Lise Ryel

Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:
Ms. Solveig Solbakken

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:
Ms. Bjørg Kirsten Sandal

Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:
Ms. Berith Bergersen
Ms. Randi Øverland