Historisk arkiv

New Political Advisors

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Press release

No.: 18/2001
Date: 2 February 2001

New Political Advisors

The Office of the Prime Minister has appointed Mr. Frode Alfheim (33), petroleum secretary, Oslo, as political advisor in the Ministry of Labour and Government Administration from 25 January 2001, and Ms. Kristin Røymo (27), student, Tromsø, as political advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (foreign affairs) from 14 February 2001. Ms. Røymo will be acting while Ms. Anne Marit Bjørnflaten, political advisor, will be on leave.

Jens Stoltenberg’s government was appointed on 17 March 2000. It represents the Labour Party. The list of political advisors is as follows:


Office of the Prime Minister:
Ms. Hilde Singsaas
Ms. Kathinka Meirik

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign affairs:
Ms. Anne Marit Bjørnflaten, leave of absence from 14 February 2001
Ms. Kristin Røymo, from 14 February 2001

Ministry of Defence:
Ms. Tonje Westby

Ministry of Trade and Industry:
Mr. Pål Berrefjord

Ministry of Labour and Government Administration:
Ms. Hilde Kristine Nysten Thorkildsen
Mr. Frode Alfheim

Ministry of Finance:
Mr. Torbjørn Giæver Eriksen

Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:
Ms. Marianne Aasen Agdestein

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, health affairs:
Inger Marit N. Eira

Ministry of Cultural Affairs:
Ms. Aina Holst

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, social affairs:
Ms. Eva Jupskås

Ministry of Transport and Communications:
Mr. Arnt Frode Jensen

Ministry of Fisheries:
Mr. Arve Helle

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international development:
Mr. Håvard Aagesen

Ministry of the Environment:
Mr. Jo Stein Moen

Ministry of Agriculture:
Ms. Sikke Næsheim

Ministry of Justice and the Police:
Mr. Kjetil Mjøsund

Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:
Mr. Kjell Erik Øie
Ms. Eli Anne Hole

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:
Mr. Erlend Jahns Broli

Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:
Mr. Wegard Håkon Harsvik