Historisk arkiv

Omtale - King's Speech etc.

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Home > The Government > The Speech from the Throne

The Speech from the Throne
(the King's Speech)

When the Storting (the Parliament) assembles each year in October, it is constituted and then formally opened by the King.

The King's Speech
The King reads the King's Speech, " ... in which he shall inform it (i.e. the Storting) of the state of the Kingdom and of the issues to which he particularly desires to call the attention of the Storting", as stated in § 74 of the Constitution.

The King's Speech expresses the main lines of the Government's policy for the coming year.

The Report on the State of the Realm
The Storting is then presented with the Report on the State of the Realm, excerpts of which is presented by one of the ministers - normally the youngest member of the Government. The report covers the Government's policy over the past year, presenting what has been achieved and important proposals that have been launched.

Inaugural Address
At a change of government, a declaration will normally be prepared to present the main lines of the new government's policy. The Prime Minister will present this report to the Storting as soon as possible after the change.

The King's Speeches, Reports on the State of the Realm and Inaugural Addresses (list)

King's Speeches and Inaugural Addresses from previous governments can easily be found under The Office of the Prime Minister in the Archive.