Historisk arkiv

The Nobel Peace Prize 2000

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Nobel Peace Prize 2000

Section for information and press relations
Tel. (47) 22 24 31 41/49
Fax (47) 22 24 27 90

Press programme for the visit of H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung, president of the Republic of South Korea.

General information:

The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Office, issues accreditation badges. The badges can be picked up from Saturday 9 December at 1000 at the Press Centre at Grand Hotel, 7 th> floor.

Press conference will be held by the Laureate on Saturday 9 December at 1300 – 1345 hours at the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Drammensveien 19. Press entrance from Parkveien.

Accreditation badges together with personal press cards must be presented in order to take part in the press conferences as well as all other arrangements.

The Police prior to all arrangements will carry out a strict security control of all media representatives and equipment. The Press is therefore advised to arrive at least 30 minutes before each event.

The Press Centre:


Grand Hotel, 7 th> floor

Karl Johans gate 31

Press Contacts:

Ms. Benedicte Tresselt Koren

Tel: 916 91 581

Ms. Mette S. Øwre

Tel: 908 42 356

Opening hours:

Saturday 9 December from 1000 hours

Sunday 10 December from 0900 hours

Monday 11 December closed

The ceremony in the City Hall

Representatives from the Press Office together with the Police will check badges of all media for entry into the City Hall from 1130 hours. (Western Tower entrance)


Journalists will be given approximately 40 seats in the City Hall (main Hall) during the ceremony. Entry through the main entrance before 1230 hours.

Police will close all entrances to the City Hall at 1245 hours


A photo pool together with a photographer from the Norwegian Nobel Institute will cover the ceremony from the ground floor of the Main Hall. All other photographers (together with radio reporters) will be taken to the Eastern Gallery of the Hall.

Photographers, who wish to cover the arrival of the Laureate and the guests to the City Hall, will be assigned to an area outside the main entrance. After the arrival of Their Majesties the King and Queen the photographers will be shown to the Eastern Gallery through the entrance of the Western Tower. The same photographer will thus not be able to cover both the arrivals and the opening processions inside the City Hall.


According to an agreement between the Norwegian Nobel Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Co-operation (NRK), the latter has certain rights to the television recording of the Peace Prize Ceremony 2000. Trans World International (TWI) in London has distribution rights for the entire programme outside the EBU- area. NRK may, however, on request provide footage not exceeding five minutes for use in regular news broadcasts by television companies that are members of EBU (European Broadcasting Union).

Request for technical assistance by foreign television companies may also be directed to NRK.

Contact person at NRK is: Ms. Marit Moi, Eurovision Office, NRK TV,
Tel: (47) 23 04 96 21, fax: (47) 23 04 82 27.

TWI London: tel. 44 181 846 8070, fax 44 181 233 5301

TV-companies and radio reporters will be admitted to the gallery.

Events preceding the ceremony:

Friday 8 December

1420 hours

The Laureate arrives by special plane from Seoul

Gardermoen Airport, RGA Terminal

Photo opportunity

Saturday 9 December

1300 – 1345 hours

Press conference at the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Drammensveien 19 Press entrance from Parkveien

(The Press should meet no later than 1230 hours)

1345 hours

meeting with members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and employees/scholars of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Signing of copyright assignment.

(Photo pool 1: NRK/TV, Scanpix + 2 Korean press)

1430 hours

Rehearsal for Nobel Ceremony in Oslo City Hall

No press

1900 hours

The Nobel Committee’s ’’Little Dinner’’ at the Grand Hotel for the Laureate and spouse

Opening shots by photo pool 2: (TV2, Scanpix + 2Korean press) together with the photographer of the Institute. The pool must be present at the Grand Hotel not later than 1845 hours.

Sunday 10 December:

Programme for the ceremony in the City Hall:

The City Hall is located at Fridtjof Nansens Place in the centre of Oslo. The speeches at the Ceremony will be translated into Norwegian. The texts will be available at the Press Centre.

1130 hours

Doors open

(Photo pool 3: NRK/TV, Scanpix, and the photographer of the Nobel Institute and Laureate’s photographer and TV (video))

1130 – 1230 hours

Photographers and cameramen enter through the Western Tower

1135 – 1145

President Kim Dae-jung meets with 5000 children at Rådhusplassen, Sea Side of the City Hall, arranged by Redd Barna (Save the Children)


Photo pool 4 for the audience meets at the South Gate of the Palace


Audience with HM King Harald V, Royal Palace

Photo pool 4: TV2/Scanpix and personal photographer and cameraman

1210 – 1230 hours

Journalists with entrance cards enter through the main gate

1200 – 1300 hours

Photo opportunity at the arrival of guests (outside from assigned area or inside from Eastern Gallery)

1258 hours

Processions enter City Hall (Laureate and the Norwegian Nobel Committee

1259 hours

His Majesty King Harald V

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon

Her Royal Highness Princess Märtha Louise

Ms. Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby


NB! Cell phones must be switched off during the ceremony

1300 hours

Ceremony starts

1300 hours

Music by Stephan Barrat-Due (violin)
Soon-Mi Chung (viola)
"Lento" by Bjarne Brustad

1305 hours

Speech by Mr. Gunnar Berge, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee

1320 hours

Music by
Sumi Jo (soprano)
Vincent Scalera (piano)
"Il Bacio" by Luigi Arditi
"Jeg elsker deg" ("I love you") by Edvard Grieg

1325 hours

Presentation of the Nobel Diploma and Gold Medal to the Laureate

1330 hours

Music by
Sumi Jo (soprano)
Vincent Scalera (piano)
"Ariarirang" by Jung Jun Ahn

1335 hours

The Nobel lecture by H.E. President Kim Dae-jung

1405 hours

Music by
Stephan Barrat-Due (violin)
Soon-Mi Chung (viola)
"Passacaglia" by G.F.Händel/Johan Halvorsen

1410 hours

His Majesty, Their Royal Highnesses and Ms. Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby greet the Laureate

1415 hours

End of Ceremony

1430 hours

Luncheon given by HM King Harald V,Royal Palace

No press

1700 – 1800 hours

CNN will broadcast alive an interview with the Laureate in the City Hall.

Press is invited as audience. Please meet in the City Hall at 1630 hours at the latest.

1855 hours

Torchlight procession (Laureate on balcony, Nobel suite, Grand Hotel)

Photo opportunity

1900 hours

The Norwegian Nobel Committee’s Banquet at the Grand Hotel

Photo pool 5: Opening shots (NRK/TV, Scanpix) together with photographers of the Institute and the Laureate

Monday 11 December

0900 – 0945

Meeting with Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, Prime Minister’s Office

Photo opportunity

1005 – 1050

Meeting with members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Stortinget

Photo opportunity

1525 – 1645

Oslo School Project, Oslo City Hall

Photo opportunity

1900 hours

Concert in Oslo Spektrum

Photo pool 6: To be decided separately

Tuesday 12 December


Departure for Stockholm by special plane

From Oslo Airport Gardermoen, RGA Terminal

Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Section for information and press relations, 6 December 2000