Historisk arkiv

Photo pools - The Royal Wedding

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Photo pools - The Royal Wedding


Buss departure from Grand Hotel at 1700

Pool 1:

Asker og Bærums Budstikke, Fædrelandsvennen, VG, Dagbladet, Aftenposten, Ukepresse (2), Scanpix, Apor, NRK/TV, TV2, Knudsen
Journalist: NTB

Rex Features (UK), IBL- Bildbyrå (Sweden), Billedbladet (Denmark), Korpa (Spain), Royal Press Holland (Netherlands), Sipa (France), Nunn (UK) and APU (Finland)


Pool 2:

Akershus Castle– Press stand in front of the courtyard: (3)
Scanpix, Apor, Nettavisen

Pool 3:

Courtyard (10)
VG, Dagbladet, Aftenposten, All Over, Ukepresse (2), Ekstra-Bladet (Denmark), Pressens Bild (Sweden), Redacion Cover (Spain), UK Press (UK)

Pool 4:

Skrivarstuen: (3 + 1 journalist)
NRK/TV, Apor, Scanpix, NTB journalist

Pool 5:

Akershus – Romerikssalen: (3)
NRK, Scanpix, Apor

Pool 6:

Akershus – Margarethasalen: (3)
NRK, Scanpix, Apor

Pool 7:

Courtyard – Departure from Akershus: (10)
Scanpix, Apor, Dagbladet, Ukepresse (2), VG, Redactionele Diensten, (Netherlands), Action Press (Germany), Gamma (France), Me Naiset (Finland)

SATURDAY 25 august

Departure press bus 0930 from Grand Hotel

Pool 8:

Henie-Onstad Museet (8 + 1 journalist)
Asker og Bærums Budstikke, Scanpix, Apor, Ukepresse (2),
Point de Vue (France), Seeger Press (Germany), Reuters (Netherlands)

Pool 9A:

High Altar – Right hand side (1)

Pool 9B:

High Altar – Left hand side (1)
Apor (must sit down the whole time)

Pool 10:

Press stand inside the Cathedral: (4)
Fædrelandsvennen, Knudsen, All Over(ukepresse pool), Ukepresse (2), Scanpix

Pool 11:

Gallery in the Cathedral: (6)
Scanpix, Apor, Dagbladet, VG, Aftenposten, Vårt Land

Pool 12:

Silver altar (10 journalists):
NTB, Aftenposten, Fædrelandsvennen, Dagbladet, VG, Dagsavisen, Ukepresse pool (1), Sunnmørsposten, Ap, Reuters

Pool 13:

In front of the Cathedral, the press stand will be available from 1400(30):
Scanpix, Apor, Aftenposten, Dagbladet, VG, Fædrelandsvennen, Dagsavisen, Ukepresse (2), VG Multinett, Knudsen, Bureau Aasta, Adresseavisen, BT (Denmark), Egmont Magasiner (Denmark), Daily Telegraph (UK), Prisma (Spain), Pressens Bild (Sweden), Corbis (France), UK Press (UK), Seura (Finland), DPA (Germany), Billed-bladet (Denmark), Paris Match (France), Reuters (Netherlands), Vårt Land

Pool 14:

Royal Palace, main gate: (3)
Scanpix, Apor, All Over (ukepresse pool)

All pool participants at the Royal Palace must meet at 1915 Dark Suit

Pool 15:

Oslo Militære Samfund receiving line inne: (3 + 1)
Scanpix, Apor, All Over (ukepresse pool) + NTB (journalist)

POOL 16:
Royal Palace – Receiving line 1: (3)
NRK/TV, Scanpix, Aftenposten

Pool 17:

Procession: (10 + 2 journalists)
NRK/TV, Fædrelandsvennen, Dagbladet, VG, Apor, Ukepresse (2), Scanpix, EFE (Spain), Ekstrabladet (Denmark)
NTB + ukepresse pool (journalists)

Pool 18:

Procession/gallery: (8)
NRK/TV, Scanpix, All Over, Alpha Press (UK), Franche Dimanche (France), Algemeen Dagblad (Netherlands), Aller Julkaisut Oy (Finland), Pressens Bild (Sweden)

Pool 19:

Speaches: (3)
NRK/TV, Scanpix, Apor

Pool 20:

Receiving line II (4)
NRK/TV, Scanpix, Apor, Fædrelandsvennen

Pool 21:

Wedding Cake: (5 + 1)
NRK/TV, Scanpix, All Over (ukepresse pool), Dagbladet, VG
NTB (journalist)

Pool 22:

Wedding Cake/Gallery (5)
NRK/TV, Apor, Scanpix, Ukepresse pool, Aftenposten

Pool 23:

Wedding Walz: (5 + 1)
NRK/TV, Scanpix, All Over (ukepresse pool), Dagbladet, VG
NTB (journalist)

Pool 24:

Wedding Walz/Gallery: (5)
NRK/TV, Apor, Scanpix, Ukepresse pool, Fædrelandsvennen