Historisk arkiv

Press Programme

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

State visit by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh

The state visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.

Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Section for Information and Press Relations
Tel. (47) 22 24 31 41/49

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom


His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh

State Visit

30 May – 1 June 2001

Press Programme

The suite of

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh

His Excellency
Mr. Richard Dales
Ambassador of the United Kingdom

Mrs. Elizabeth Dales

Mrs. Fiona Henderson
Lady in Waiting

The Rt. Hon. Sir Robin Janvrin, KCVO, CB
Private Secretary to The Queen

Mrs. Kay Brock
Assistant Private Secretary to The Queen

Miss Penny Russel-Smith, LVO
Press Secretary to The Queen

Group Captain Tim Hewlett, OBE
Director of Royal Travel

Surgeon Captain David Swain, LVO, RN
Medical Officer to The Queen

Squadron Leader Simon Brailsford, RAF
Equerry in Waiting

Brigadier Miles Hunt-Davis, CVO, CBE
Private Secretary to the Duke of Edinburgh

Norwegian suite

Specially attached to

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Vice Admiral
Eivind C. Hauger-Johannessen

Assistant Secretary General, MFA
Tanja Storm

Specially attached to

His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh

Anders Rangul
Equerry to HM The King

Tuesday 29 May


Arrival British press at Oslo Airport Gardermoen

Departure press bus for

Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel

Holbergs gate 30

Tel.: 23 29 30 00

Fax: 23 29 30 01


Dinner at Tostrupkjelleren Presseklubb

Karl Johansgate 25

for travelling British press hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Transportation available in case of bad weather

Wednesday 30 May



Departure press bus from SAS Radisson Scandinavia Hotel for Akershus Castle to film the arrival of HMS Illustrious

Return to the hotel


Departure press bus from Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel for Gardermoen Air Station


HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and H.E. The Ambassador of the United Kingdom accompanied by HM The King’s Principal ADC, Brigadier Ulf Husebø, enter the plane

HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh are welcomed by HRH Crown Prince Haakon

Photo opportunity


Departure Gardermoen Air Station


Departure press bus from Gardermoen Air Station for the Royal Palace


Departure from Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel on foot to the Royal Palace. A representative from MFA will guide you. In case of bad weather transportation will be provided


Official welcoming ceremony in front of the Royal Palace

Press in assigned areas

HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh are received by Their Majesties King Harald V and Queen Sonja and conducted to the pavilion

The National Anthems are played

HM Queen Elizabeth inspects the Guard of Honour of HM The King’s Guard, accompanied by HM The King

At the end of the inspection HM Queen Elizabeth and HM The King rejoin HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HM Queen Sonja

HM The King presents:

The President of the Storting

Prime Minister and members of the Government

The President of the Supreme Court

H.E. the Ambassador of Norway to the United Kingdom, Tarald Brautaset and Mrs. Elisabeth Mohr Brautaset

Representatives of other civilian and military authorities

Representatives of the British Embassy

Please note that the press at Gardermoen Air Station will return to Oslo too late for the opening of the welcoming ceremony


Photo pool 1: Official group photographto meet at the South Gate of the Royal Place (2 still photographers and 1 TV camera each – no reporters)

Approx. 1515

Official group photographs are taken of:

HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja
HRH Crown Prince Haakon and Miss Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby
HRH Princess Märtha Louise
H.H. Princess Astrid Mrs. Ferner


Departure on foot for Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel – transportation will provided in case of bad weather

1540 – 1610

Tea at the Royal Palace

No press


Departure press bus from Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel for the National War Memorial


Arrival press bus at the National War Memorial


Wreath laying ceremony at the National War Memorial

Met by:

Brigadier Knut-Martin Waage, Commandant

National anthems

Press in assigned area


Departure press bus from Akershus Fortress for Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel


Departure press bus from SAS Radisson Scandinavia Hotel tol HMS Illustrious


HRH The Duke of Edinburgh attends the British Marine Equipment Association/Nor Shipping reception on board HMS Illustrious

Photo opportunity



Press bus return to the hotel

Press bus leaves the hotel for the Royal Palace


Press covering the State Banquet meet at the South Gate at the Royal Palace

Photo pool 2: In the ball room: 7 still photographers, 1 TV camera and 1 observer from the pen press from each side


State Banquet at the Royal Palace


Departure by bus from the Royal Palace for the hotel

Photo pool 3: The speeches

NRK/TV will film the speeches

1 + 1 still photographers will take pictures at the beginning of the speeches

Thursday 31 May


Departure press bus from Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel for Bolteløkka Primary School

1000 – 1045

HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja visit Bolteløkka Primary School

Met by

Ms. Liv Dietrichs (Headmistress)
Ms. Astrid Søgnen (Director of Education)
Flowers presented by
Tale Maria Ruud Saanum
Marcus Bue Johansen
Embla Huseby Jørgensen
Victor Ødegaard Prag

Photo opportunity outside in the school yard

Photo pool 4: English lesson: 2+ 2 photographers

Photo pool 5: Library 2 + 2 photographers, 1 + 1 TV camera

Photo pool 6: Adjacent room 2 + 2 photographers (as pool 4)


Departure press bus from Bolteløkka Primary School for Oslo City Hall


Arrival Press bus Oslo City Hall


HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja arrive Oslo City Hall

Met by:

Mayor Per Ditlev-Simonsen
Mr. Erling Lae, Leader of Oslo City Council

Photo opportunity

1100 – 1120

Visit to the Exhibition ’’ReDesign : Sustainability in New British Design’’

Photo pool 7:

A) 3 + 3

B) 3 + 3

C) 3 + 3


Crossing harbour Esplanade

Met by:

Mr. Per Mauritz Hanssen, Port Director

Photo opportunities


Transport to H.M.S. ’’Illustrious’’

Visit on board

Met by:

Captain Charles Style, Royal Navy

Photo opportunity outside


HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja depart for the Royal Palace


Departure press bus for Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel or on foot directly for Akershus Castle


Departure press bus Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel for Akershus Castle


The Government’s luncheon at Akershus Castle

Photo opportunity outside in the courtyard

Photo pool 8: 1 still photographer and 1 TV camera from each side at the beginning of the luncheon


Departure press bus for Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel


HM Queen Elizabeth and HM King Harald return to the Royal Palace


Press bus departure Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel for Rådhusbrygge 1


HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HM Queen Sonja visit

STA Stavros S. Niarchos

Met by:

Mr. Per Mauritz Hanssen, Port Director
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, President of the Sail Training Association
Captain Pat Davies, Master of the Stavros S. Niarchos

The guests of honour return to the petty and are introduced to:

Mr. Jostein Haukali, Chairman Norwegian STA
Mrs. Gunn von Trepka, Norwegian International STA representative
Mr. Knut Sørensen, Master of the Valentine

Visit on board Valentine

Photo opportunity


Departure for the Royal Palace


Departure press bus from Rådhusbrygge 1 for the Astrup Fearnley Museum


Reception at the Astrup Fearnley Museum

Photo opportunity outside

British arrangement

Accredited Norwegian press is invited to meet HM The Queen at the end of the reception –NO photo, cameras or microphones


Departure Press bus from the Astrup Fearnley Museum for Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel


Departure press bus from Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel for the Ambassador’s Residence

Thomas Heftyes gate 8


Return Banquet given by HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh at the Ambassador’s Residence

Photo opportunity outside (weather permitting)

Photo pool 9: Inside 2 + 2


Departure press bus for SAS Radisson Scandinavia Hotel

Friday 1 June


Departure press bus from SAS Radisson Scandinavia Hotel for Gardermoen Air Station


Photo pool 10 inside the gate at the Royal Palace

2 + 2 still photographers, 1 TV camera each


Official farewell of Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja at the Royal Palace

No press


Departure Oslo Airport Gardermoen, Military section

Press in assigned area


Departure press bus for SAS Radisson Scandinavia Hotel