Historisk arkiv

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

I det historiske arkivet finner du informasjon fra tidligere regjeringer, for eksempel pressemeldinger, nyheter og taler fra tidligere regjeringsperioder. Du finner også utdaterte aktueltsaker fra sittende regjeringer her. Arkivet inneholder i tillegg dokumenter hvor innholdet ikke lenger er gyldig, for eksempel utgåtte rundskriv.

Innhold som er flyttet til arkivet blir ikke oppdatert, og informasjonen er dermed av historisk art.

Aktuelle lenker:

  • Foreign Minister Jan Petersen condemns the latest suicide bombing in Israel

    10.05.2002 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    Press release No.: 100/02 Date: 08.05.02 Foreign Minister Jan Petersen condemns the latest suicide bombing in Israel "I strongly condemn yesterday evening’s terrorist attack in the Israeli town of Rishon Letzion," said Foreign Minister Jan Petersen.

  • New travel advice for Sri Lanka

    26.08.2005 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    On the basis of the current situation in Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises Norwegian nationals to exercise caution while they are staying in the country. (29.08)

  • Integrated management plan ready

    31.03.2006 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    Today the Government of Norway released its integrated management plan for the Barents Sea and the ocean areas off the Lofoten Islands.

  • New Monitoring of the Marine Environment in the North

    31.03.2006 Pressemelding Miljøverndepartementet

    The Government will establish a new and more coordinated system for monitoring the marine ecosystems in the north. This initiative is a part of the Integrated Management Plan for the Barents Sea and the sea areas off Lofoten, which calls for

  • New licence for third generation mobile communications system

    05.07.2006 Pressemelding Samferdselsdepartementet

    The Ministry of Transport and Communications now announces a vacant spectrum licence to operate a third generation public mobile communications system (3G). - I am pleased to facilitate for establishing a new mobile network and better

  • Concluding statement of the IMF mission 2006

    12.06.2006 Pressemelding Finansdepartementet

    An IMF mission team presents today its concluding statement on the Norwegian economy to the Ministry of Finance.

  • International Development Minister Erik Solheim to Sri Lanka

    05.04.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Minister will have talks with President Rajapakse, and they are going to discuss the assurances given in Geneva by the parties, the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, on the implementation of the Ceasefire

  • Programme for the ministerial conference on illegal fishing in Trondheim on Monday 7 August, 2006

    03.08.2006 Pressemelding Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

    Press release No.: 68/2006 Date: 3 August 2006 Contact: Head of Information Bjarne Myrstad + 47 22 24 64 09/ + 47 91 84 37 37 Private to editor Programme for the ministerial conference on illegal fishing in Trondheim on Monday 7 August, 2006 The

  • Compulsory Arbitration

    12.06.2006 Pressemelding Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet

    Compulsory Arbitration in the dispute between the Finance Sector Union of Norway and the Norwegian Employers' Association for the Financial Sector.

  • Ceasefire in Darfur

    09.04.2004 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    Norway is very pleased about the agreement on a ceasefire in Darfur, western Sudan, which was signed in Chad on 8 April, said State Secretary Vidar Helgesen. (14.04.04)

  • Extensive Awards in the 18th Licensing Round

    08.06.2004 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    In connection with the 18 th> licensing round on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, 16 companies will receive offers to participate in 16 new production licenses. The companies will be offered participation in a total of 46 blocks or parts of

  • Change of state secretary in Ministry of Justice

    04.06.2004 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    Press release No.: 93/2004 Date: 4. juni 2004 Change of state secretary in Ministry of Justice In today’s session of the Council of State the King has appointed Mr. Trond Prytz (58), chief constable, Steinkjer, as state secretary for the Minister of

  • Opening of Visions of Norway

    29.06.1999 Tale/innlegg Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs, Anne Enger Lahnstein Opening of Visions of Norway Wigmore Hall, London, 29. juni 1999 Secretary of State, Lord Mayor of Westminister, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all I would like to thank you, Secretary

  • North Sea Awards 2002 — Awards of new licenses

    27.03.2003 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    In connection with the North Sea Awards 2002, 9 companies will receive an offer to participate in new production licenses. (27.03.2003)

  • Norwegian Government to give further humanitarian assistance in connection with the Darfur crisis

    02.07.2004 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs announced today that Norway will give an additional NOK 11 million in humanitarian assistance to Darfur in western Sudan and to refugees from Darfur in Chad, to be channelled through the Norwegian Red Cross (05.07)

  • Norway has signed a Protocol on reform of the European Court of Human Rights

    13.05.2004 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    Foreign Minister Jan Petersen signed Protocol No. 14 to the European Convention on Human Rights Thursday 13 May, amending the control system of the Convention. (14.05.04)

  • Norway supports Right to Play

    14.08.2004 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    Press release No.: 126/2004 Date: 14 August 2004 Norway supports Right to Play Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne today took part in a conference held in Athens by the organisation Right to Play. The Prime Minister, who spoke on harnessing the

  • Opening Statement at Seminar on the EU-enlargement

    31.05.2000 Tale/innlegg Utenriksdepartementet

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Thorbjørn Jagland Opening Statement at Seminar on the EU-enlargement Oslo, 31 May 2000 (Translation from Norwegian text) Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to this seminar on the important topic of EU enlargement. The

  • UN Convention to combat desertification

    19.12.2000 Tale/innlegg Utenriksdepartementet

    State Secretary Sigrun Møgedal: UN Convention to combat desertification Bonn, 19 December 2000 Mr President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, First I would like to express my country’s gratitude to the Republic of Germany

  • Official opening of Cafe Nordsør

    19.10.2000 Tale/innlegg Utenriksdepartementet

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  • Side 8 av 9945