Historisk arkiv

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

I det historiske arkivet finner du informasjon fra tidligere regjeringer, for eksempel pressemeldinger, nyheter og taler fra tidligere regjeringsperioder. Du finner også utdaterte aktueltsaker fra sittende regjeringer her. Arkivet inneholder i tillegg dokumenter hvor innholdet ikke lenger er gyldig, for eksempel utgåtte rundskriv.

Innhold som er flyttet til arkivet blir ikke oppdatert, og informasjonen er dermed av historisk art.

Aktuelle lenker:

  • Considerable interest for exploring mature parts of the Norwegian continental shelf

    15.12.2005 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy today offers 26 companies 45 production licences in the North Sea and on the Halten Terrace in the Norwegian Sea in APA 2005. (15.12.05)

  • Minister of International Development visits Sudan 14-18 November

    14.11.2005 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    By making this visit, I wish to underline that the red-green government intends to continue Norway’s strong engagement for peace in Sudan, said Minister of International Development Erik Solheim. (14.11)

  • Minister of International Development Erik Solheim to visit Sri Lanka from 23 to 26 January 2006

    29.12.2005 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    Norway has been asked by the government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers to continue its role as facilitator in the peace process in Sri Lanka. The Minister of International Development is in charge of Norway’s efforts and will travel to Sri

  • Exclusions from the Government Pension Fund - Global

    05.01.2006 Pressemelding Finansdepartementet

    The Ministry of Finance has excluded seven companies from the Government Pension Fund - Global (previously the Petroleum Fund) because they are involved in production of nuclear weapons.

  • Kenya

    10.10.2014 Artikkel Utenriksdepartementet

    MDG country progress snapshot In 2008, Kenya launched a development strategy called Kenya Vision 2030, covering the period 2008 to 2030. Its objective is to help transform Kenya into a middle-income country by 2030. The Kenya Vision 2030 strategy

  • Liberia

    10.10.2014 Artikkel Utenriksdepartementet

    In Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, only 7 % of the population has access to electricity. In rural areas approximately 1 % of the population has access to energy, but there is great potential for developing renewable energy in the country. Photo: H.T.

  • Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All)

    09.07.2013 Artikkel Utenriksdepartementet

    Sustainable energy brings opportunities for economic growth, human development, employment and is essential for a modern day decent standard of living. It empowers people and paves the way out of poverty by lighting homes and small businesses,

  • Environment II

    08.11.2006 Artikkel Utenriksdepartementet

    Environment II: Biodiversity, Water Resources Management and Information/ Transparency Moderator: Mr. Krzysztof Szamałek, Secretary of State, Ministry of the Environment, Poland 1330 –1335: Welcome Mr. Øyvind Håbrekke, Secretary of state, Ministry

  • Norway sending medical team to Italy

    05.04.2020 Artikkel Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet

    The Lombardy region of Italy is in desperate need of health-care personnel due to the coronavirus emergency. Norway is now sending a medical team to the region.

  • Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 29 June 2020 No. 1423 relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health

    24.07.2020 Forskrift Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet

    Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 29 June 2020 No. 1423 relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health.pdf

  • Notification of a new direct transport aid scheme - Request for further information

    21.01.2004 Brev Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet

    EFTA Surveillance Authority Rue de Tréves 74 1040 Deres ref Vår ref Dato 03/1281-20 ACS 21.01.2004 Dear Sir/Madam, Notification of a new direct transport aid scheme - Request for further information Introduction In its letter dated 19 December 2003

  • Sikkerhetstiltak ved eksport og import til EU

    15.09.2005 Brev Finansdepartementet

    Finansdepartementet har i samråd med Utenriksdepartementet og Nærings- og handelsdepartementet avgitt en høringsuttalelse til EU-kommisjonen i forbindelse med endringer i EUs tollovgivning. Det legges opp til nye prosedyrer som omfatter

  • Green Paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union

    19.09.2000 Brev Miljøverndepartementet

  • Letter to UK regretting opening of new MOX fuel plant at Sellafield

    09.10.2001 Brev Miljøverndepartementet

    Letter to UK regretting opening of new MOX fuel plant at Sellafield Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary of State Margaret Beckett Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR UK Your ref Our ref Date 18 okt . 2001 97/4322--

  • Norway supports UN-project against fisheries crime

    18.09.2020 Pressemelding Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    It is estimated that as much as 31 % of the global seafood harvest is from illegal catch. Norway have now provided 3,4 million Norwegian kroer to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP to the project “Blue Resilience” to strenghten the fight

  • An important step towards CO2 capture at Mongstad

    21.06.2007 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) today signed an agreement with DONG Energy, Hydro, Shell Statoil and Vattenfall on co-operating towards a test centre for CO2 capture and storage (CCS) at the combined power and heating station at Mongstad,

  • Continued good Norwegian export financing

    21.10.2011 Nyhet Finansdepartementet

    The Ministry of Finance yesterday announced an extension of a special transitional rule for Eksportfinans ASA by one year. - The Ministry of Finance is working together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to ensure a continued good export

  • Norwegian fisheries management, our approach on discard of fish

    07.07.2009 Nyhet Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

    It is important that the policy of sustainable marine resource management is based on certain key principles: sustainable harvesting, ecosystem approach, adequate regulations and an efficient control and enforcement scheme. These principles are

  • Invitation to tender – scheduled regional air services in Southern Norway 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2020

    07.05.2015 Pressemelding Samferdselsdepartementet

    The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has today announced an invitation to tender for sceduled regional air services in Southern Norway.

  • Norway provides additional NOK 100 million to Nepal

    28.04.2015 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    The Norwegian Government is providing an additional NOK 100 million to the relief effort in Nepal. ‘This means that Norway’s total support for the response to the earthquake disaster in Nepal comes to NOK 130 million. There is a huge need for

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