Historisk arkiv

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

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Aktuelle lenker:

  • The Path to broad sustainability and climate-friendly Global Climate Action Summit: The Amazon Fund results-based payments and Yurok Tribe Project

    13.09.2018 Nyhet Klima- og miljødepartementet

    SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11, 2018 — Leaders from the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) announced the sponsors who will help ensure that the summit will fulfill its pledge to meet or exceed international sustainability standards for large events.

  • Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom call for more ambition on global forest protection

    22.09.2019 Nyhet Klima- og miljødepartementet

    New York, September 22, 2019: The governments of Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom call for increased ambition and action by the global community to conserve and restore tropical forests.

  • Announcement 23rd licensing round awards

    18.05.2016 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    Today the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is awarding ten new licenses, consisting of 40 blocks in total.

  • Norway releases new Defence Plan; emphasises improved operational capability, personnel and updated F-35 procurement schedule

    23.03.2012 Pressemelding Forsvarsdepartementet

    On Friday the 23rd of March, 2012, the Norwegian Ministry of Defence released the new Long Term Plan for the Norwegian Defence Sector. The plan builds on the significant improvements made over the course of the previous years while ensuring that the

  • On the elections in Zambia

    27.09.2011 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    “I am very impressed by the peaceful way in which the presidential, parliamentary and local elections were conducted in Zambia on 20 September, and the dignified transition of power from the outgoing president, Rupiah Banda, to the new president,

  • Norwegian candidate for UNEP

    12.01.2006 Nyhet Miljøverndepartementet

    The Norwegian Government has presented former government minister Børge Brende to the post as executive director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The nomination was made in a letter today from Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg to UN

  • The opening of the Storting 2006

    03.10.2006 Nyhet Statsministerens kontor

    - The main objectives of the Government’s economic policy are employment for all, equitable distribution and improved welfare schemes. His Majesty the King said at the opening of the Storting today.

  • International press briefing by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

    27.07.2011 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg will hold an international press briefing at 1400 today 27 July.

  • Norway intensifies efforts to promote Women, Peace and Security

    16.02.2015 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    ‘Women are particularly affected by wars and conflicts. The Government is giving priority to intensifying Norway’s efforts to promote the women, peace and security agenda,’ said Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Today the Government presented a new

  • Joint Statement by President Calderón and Prime Minister Stoltenberg

    09.04.2010 Nyhet Statsministerens kontor

    Joint Statement by President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in Climate Change and Forests: The United Mexican States and Norway are Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto

  • Norwegian fisheries management, our approach on discard of fish

    07.07.2009 Nyhet Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

    It is important that the policy of sustainable marine resource management is based on certain key principles: sustainable harvesting, ecosystem approach, adequate regulations and an efficient control and enforcement scheme. These principles are

  • Normprices for Norwegian crude oil 4th quarter 2006

    13.03.2007 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    The Petroleum Price Board (PPB) has set normprices for Norwegian crude oil lifted in the 4th quarter of 2006. The normprices are used as tax reference prices in the taxation of the crude oil producers on the Norwegian continental shelf and are set

  • Joint statement of the Northern group meeting of defence ministers, 20 May 2020

    20.05.2020 Nyhet Forsvarsdepartementet

    May 20 2020, under the current chairmanship of Latvia, the Defence Ministers of the Northern Group (consisting of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom) met by

  • Solheim congratulates Nepal on historic peace accord

    21.11.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - History is being made in Nepal today. The country has definitively put an end to the brutal conflict that has ravaged the country for the past decade. The agreement shows that all parties have political courage and a will for peace, said

  • Nordic and Baltic ministers convene in Norway

    31.10.2006 Nyhet Landbruks- og matdepartementet

    Ten ministers from 9 Nordic and Baltic countries have confirmed their participation to the Ministerial meeting to be held November 7-8 2006 at Thorbjørnrud Hotel at Jevnaker, Norway to provide further progress of the co-operation in the

  • Continued Russian restrictions on imports of fresh salmon

    20.12.2005 Nyhet Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

    In a meeting in Moscow today the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and Russian veterinary authorities discussed restrictions on imports of Norwegian salmon. Russian veterinary authorities stand firm that high values of lead and cadmium have been

  • Norwegian proposals on anti-dumping

    03.03.2006 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    Norwegian proposals on anti-dumping Issues related to Article 6.10, including “limited examination”, and Article 9.4 “all other’s rate” Proposal on issues relating to evidence, public notice and explanation of the determinations under Articles 6 and

  • EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety to visit Svalbard

    18.09.2015 Nyhet Landbruks- og matdepartementet

    The EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety V. Andriukaitis visits Svalbard with the Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food Sylvi Listhaug and the Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie 20th to 22nd of September.

  • Joint Statement by the Co-Chairs of the Tokyo Conference

    12.01.2008 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Tokyo Co-Chairs (Norway, Japan, US and EU) jointly express their strong concerns about the termination of the 2002 Ceasefire Agreement by the Government of Sri Lanka. These concerns have already been expressed in individual statements.

  • Siv Nordrum state secretary at Prime Minister's Office

    16.11.2001 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    Press release No.: 231/2001 Date: 16 November 2001 Siv Nordrum state secretary at Prime Minister’s Office In today’s session of the Council of State, the King has appointed Ms. Siv Nordrum (43), Oslo, as state secretary at the Office of the Prime

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