Historisk arkiv

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

I det historiske arkivet finner du informasjon fra tidligere regjeringer, for eksempel pressemeldinger, nyheter og taler fra tidligere regjeringsperioder. Du finner også utdaterte aktueltsaker fra sittende regjeringer her. Arkivet inneholder i tillegg dokumenter hvor innholdet ikke lenger er gyldig, for eksempel utgåtte rundskriv.

Innhold som er flyttet til arkivet blir ikke oppdatert, og informasjonen er dermed av historisk art.

Aktuelle lenker:

  • Norway protests against unfounded attack

    16.05.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs have summoned representatives from a number of embassies to refute the erroneous allegations some countries have made against Norway for its management of the Northeast Atlantic minke whale stocks. (18.05.06)

  • Press statement from the Norwegian Minister of Finance Mr Gudmund Restad concerning MeritaNordbanken's bid for Christiania Bank

    20.09.1999 Pressemelding Finansdepartementet

    Press Release No: 64/1999 Date: 20 September 1999 Press statement from the Norwegian Minister of Finance Mr Gudmund Restad concerning MeritaNordbanken’s bid for Christiania Bank - The take-over bid raises difficult questions in relation to both the

  • Norway requests WTO panel in salmon dispute with the EU

    29.05.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - We consider the EU anti-dumping measures against Norwegian salmon to be in conflict with WTO rules and have requested an independent assessment by a WTO panel. I hope this will lead to the termination of the anti-dumping measures and to the

  • The Co-Chairs met to discuss the critical situation in Sri Lanka

    30.05.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Co-Chairs, who met in Tokyo, appealed to both parties in Sri Lanka to pull back from the current crisis. (30.05.06)

  • Nomination for the 16th Licencing Round

    16.06.1999 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    No: 40/1999 Date: 16 June 1999 Press Release Nomination for the 16th Licencing Round 16 companies have submitted their nominations to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy for blocks that are recommended for inclusion in the 16th licencing round. The

  • Simplified Procurement Procedures in the Petroleum Sector

    05.10.1999 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    Press Release No.: 67/99 Date: 05.10.99 Simplified Procurement Procedures in the Petroleum Sector On 15 September, the EFTA Surveillance Authority granted Norway an exemption under the utilities procurement directive following changes in the

  • London conference on Afghanistan

    25.01.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    London conference on Afghanistan Date: Tuesday 31 january-Wednesday 01 february 2006 The Prime Minister will host the London Conference on Afghanistan on Tuesday 31 January - Wednesday 01 February 2006. The Conference will take place at Lancaster

  • Press accreditation in connection with Afghan President Hamid Karzai's official visit to Norway on 16 and 17 December

    09.12.2002 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    Notes for editors Press release Date: 09.12.2002 Press accreditation in connection with Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s official visit to Norway on 16 and 17 December 2002 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been invited to pay an official visit to

  • Norm prices for Norwegian crude oil 3rd quarter 2002

    20.12.2002 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    Press release No.: 145E/02 Date: 20.12.02 Contact: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 22 24 61 09 Norm prices for Norwegian crude oil 3rd quarter 2002 The Petroleum Price Board has set norm prices for Norwegian crude oil lifted in the 3 rd> quarter of 2002. The

  • European Commission decides to close proceedings in connection with the GFU system

    17.07.2002 Pressemelding Olje- og energidepartementet

    Press release No.: 87E/02 Date: 17.07.2002 Contact: Deputy Director General Erik Johnsen, +47 90 82 41 23 European Commission decides to close proceedings in connection with the GFU system With satisfaction, Mr. Einar Steensnæs, Minister of

  • Norway recognises Montenegro as a sovereign state

    16.06.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - Europe has gained a new state in an area that has previously been marred by conflict, but which is now slowly becoming part of a stable Europe, says Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre. (16.06.06)

  • Norway provides humanitarian relief to Sri Lanka

    03.08.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - I would like to express my deep sorrow for the innocent victims of this crisis and my sympathy for their families. We hope these funds will help to relieve the most immediate suffering, said Minster of International Development Erik Solheim. (

  • Premier ministre Jens Stoltenberg: - L’intervention norvégienne a contribué à sauver des vies en Libye

    29.03.2011 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    - La Norvège a agi comme il convenait en prenant la part de responsabilité qui lui revenait pour la protection des populations civiles de Libye, a déclaré le Premier Ministre Jens Stoltenberg, dans le rapport sur les opérations menées en Libye qu’il

  • Important Energy Agreement Signed in Riyadh

    24.02.2011 Nyhet Olje- og energidepartementet

    Together with representatives from 78 countries, Norwegian State Secretary Per Rune Henriksen attended an Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting in the International Energy Forum (IEF) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on February 22, 2011.

  • Statement on the new government in Lebanon

    10.09.2021 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    'Norway welcomes the formation of a new government in Lebanon. Priority should be put on enacting necessary reforms to get the country out of the current crisis. Norway will continue to support the people of Lebanon', Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine

  • Vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in Norway

    30.11.2011 Nyhet Miljøverndepartementet

    Although Norway has considerable adaptive capacity, climate change will have high costs, both human and material, if climate change considerations are not taken in planning and decision making.

  • Nordic countries stand united in the follow-up to COP21

    27.04.2016 Nyhet Klima- og miljødepartementet

    The Nordic Environment and Climate Ministers met on April 27, 2016, where they confirmed their commitment to a strong implementation of the Paris Agreement and launched a series of new initiatives to support the follow-up to COP21. The ministers

  • Building the bridge safely

    28.08.2006 Nyhet Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet

    Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, mr. Jan-Erik Støstad, held the speech "Building the bridge safely" at the oil conference ONS 2006 in Stavanger. Mr. Støstad also presented a new HSE award, The PSA Award, to

  • Norwegian support for surveying environmental damage in Lebanon

    26.09.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Lebanese authorities have requested the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to survey the environmental damage caused by the hostilities in Lebanon. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allocated NOK 5 million (about USD 760 000) for

  • Afghanistan. Joint statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence

    18.10.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - Norway is not increasing its military contribution to ISAF with special forces at the present time. Norway will however increase project-related assistance to Afghanistan, and seek to ensure that some of the funds are used to achieve rapid,

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