Historisk arkiv

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

I det historiske arkivet finner du informasjon fra tidligere regjeringer, for eksempel pressemeldinger, nyheter og taler fra tidligere regjeringsperioder. Du finner også utdaterte aktueltsaker fra sittende regjeringer her. Arkivet inneholder i tillegg dokumenter hvor innholdet ikke lenger er gyldig, for eksempel utgåtte rundskriv.

Innhold som er flyttet til arkivet blir ikke oppdatert, og informasjonen er dermed av historisk art.

Aktuelle lenker:

  • 2002 - A year of restructuring

    24.10.2001 Nyhet Forsvarsdepartementet

    The Defence Budget for 2002 - short version (pdf format, ‘Acrobat reader’ necessary, can be downloaded from: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html) (free)

  • Premier ministre norvégien inaugure la station de recherche marine la plus septentrionale au monde

    25.04.2005 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    Information de presse No.: 89/2005 Date: 25 avril 2005 Premier ministre norvégien inaugure la station de recherche marine la plus septentrionale au monde Le 1 er> juin, le Premier ministre de Norvège, M. Kjell Magne Bondevik, inaugurera la station

  • Export quota for fish and fish products

    16.05.2006 Pressemelding Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

    The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has decided to introduce an export quota for fish and fish products starting 1 June 2006. This export quota will limit the quantity of marine fish or fish products from recreational fishing that can

  • Norway to contribute NOK 26 million to the fight against bird and human flu

    18.01.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The fight against bird flu is putting the world community’s ability to take joint action to the test. The participants at the conference have pledged a total of USD 1.9 billion, far more than was expected. The conference in Beijing gives grounds

  • Foreign Minister Jagland: High priority for peace efforts and refugees

    11.10.2001 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - The humanitarian situation for civilians in Afghanistan and for refugees who have made their way to neighbouring countries is very serious. The Government is proposing a substantial increase in humanitarian assistance in next year’s budget,

  • The Norwegian government and Statoil to develop a world class environmental power project at Mongstad

    12.10.2006 Pressemelding Miljøverndepartementet

    The Norwegian government and Statoil have undertaken an agreement to establish the world's largest full-scale CO2 capture and storage (CCS) project in conjunction with the projected combined heat and power plant at Mongstad. The CCS project is

  • Government budget for 2007. The High North

    06.10.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The High North will be Norway’s most important strategic priority area in the years ahead. The Government is increasing the total allocation for a cohesive High North policy to approximately NOK 274 million. (09.10.06)

  • Updated: Sri Lanka consultations, Geneva 28-29 October 2006

    26.10.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    The Sri Lanka-parties will meet in Geneva on 28-29 October for direct consultations in order to explore the opportunities for further peace talks. (26.10.06)

  • Government budget for 2007. International cultural cooperation

    06.10.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    In the budget proposal for 2007, the Government is increasing the allocation for international cultural cooperation by NOK 20 million. Particular priority will be given to cultural cooperation in the High North, and half of this increase is

  • Norway condemns Thai military coup

    20.09.2006 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet

    - The armed forces must step down to allow the return of the democratically elected government. I hope the situation will be resolved peacefully, and that the country returns to democratic order as soon as possible, said Mr Støre. (20.09.06)

  • Norway Daily No. 109/01

    13.06.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 109/01 Date: 13 June 2001 More prison cells needed (Aftenposten) Last year there were ten times as many offenders waiting to serve their sentences as two years ago. In the

  • Norway Daily No. 123/01

    03.07.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No.123 /01 Date: 3 July 2001 Food is cheaper now (Aftenposten) As of yesterday VAT on food was halved, and now we hope to have more money to enjoy after we have done our usual

  • Norway Daily No. 52/01

    15.03.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 52/01 Date: 15 March 2001 EU highly negative to Norway’s import ban (Dagsavisen) The European Commission has protested strongly against Norway’s decision to ban imports of

  • Norway Daily No. 91/01

    15.05.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway Daily No. 146/01

    03.08.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway Daily No. 73/01

    18.04.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway Daily No. 142/01

    30.07.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway Daily No. 118/01

    26.06.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway Daily No. 78/01

    25.04.2001 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 78/01 Date: 25 April 2001 Minister could stop aid to some developing countries (Aftenposten) Norway’s Minister of Development Cooperation and Human Rights, Anne Kristin

  • Norway Daily No. 29/02

    11.02.2002 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 29/02 Date: 11 February 2002 Anti-terrorism insurance to become compulsory (Dagsavisen) The insurance industry believes that all Norwegians should carry anti-terrorism

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