Discovering future partnerships between Jordan and Norway
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg
Utgiver: Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet
Tale/innlegg | Dato: 02.03.2020
Av: Næringsminister Iselin Nybø (Åpningsinnlegg på arrangementet Discovering future partnerships between Jordan and Norway.)
Your Majesties,
Your Royal Highnesses,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Her Majesty Queen Sonja quoted King Hussein I.
His Majesty described Jordan as "the last resort of yesterday in the world of tomorrow."
Today we will explore how Jordan and Norway can work together to prosper through new
partnerships in the world of tomorrow.
A world of business, innovation and trade.
The foundations are there.
Jordan has a highly educated population.
The Jordanian business-environment is improving at an impressive rate.
And Jordan is a shining light of stability in a region too often plagued by its absence.
There is a lot we do not know about tomorrow, but we do know that the world has to be
The business community offers solutions to the common challenges we face in the world.
And herein lies the potential.
Whereas Norway is blessed with waterfalls – Jordan is blessed with sunlight.
Norwegian businesses have years of experience in renewable energy and solar power.
As the next session will show, we also have expertise in health innovation and sustainable
Active and innovative companies are the key to economic development in any country.
The purpose of this business event is to create an arena for companies to meet, match and
create lasting partnerships.
However – exploring new frontiers is not easy.
It takes patience, understanding and ambition.
We need the private sector to unleash the creativity of our youth and unlock the potential of
our people.
Jordan and Norway are two small countries striving for a greener future.
A future with a thriving private sector full of entrepreneurial spirit.
Now, you will get a glimpse into this future.
A state visit is all about opening doors for economic opportunities.
Therefore, I am proud to introduce the next session of "Stories from Norway – from small
ideas to future partnerships" which will show the potential for business cooperation.
Thank you, and good luck!