Troika-uttalelse om valgene i Sudan
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg
Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet
Nyhet | Dato: 20.04.2015
Troikaen (USA, Storbritannia og Norge) beklager i en felles uttalelse at Sudan ikke la til rette for gjennomføring av frie og rettferdige valg i forrige uke.
Uttalelsen fordømmer også volden under valget og uttrykker bekymring for en manglende nasjonal dialog som kan bidra til en fredelig løsning på konflikten i landet.
Følgende erklæring er avgitt av regjeringene i USA, Storbritannia og Norge i fellesskap:
The members of the Troika (Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States) regret the Government of Sudan’s failure to create a free, fair, and conducive elections environment. Restrictions on political rights and freedoms that are contrary to the rights enshrined in the Sudanese Constitution, the lack of a credible national dialogue, and the continuation of armed conflict are among the reasons for the low participation and very low voter turnout in Sudan’s presidential and parliamentary elections. The outcome of these elections is not a credible expression of the will of the Sudanese people.
We condemn all acts of violence by both the government and armed groups during the election period and continue to support those Sudanese who wish to peacefully advance a comprehensive and legitimate political process of dialogue aimed at ending the conflict, meaningful governance reform, and long-term stability.