Tidligere utenriksminister Børge Brendes taler og innlegg
Viser 261-273 av 273 treff.
Middle East Stability: Intervention, Mediation and Security Cooperation
07.12.2013"The leaders of this region have the power to choose cooperation over conflict and to engage in dialogue rather than permitting escalation. The eyes of the world are on the region; what happens in the Middle East impacts everyone,” Foreign Minister Børge Brende said in his speech in Manama on 7 December.
Innlegg på OSSEs utenriksministermøte
05.12.2013- We must use our organisation to achieve real results. We must continue to invest in the institutions and field missions. And we must live up to our commitments in all dimensions, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende bl.a. i sin tale i Kiev 5. desember.
Speech at the Royal Geographical Society
28.11.2013- The goal is to seize the opportunities while at the same time ensuring sustainable management of the natural environment and resources in the Arctic, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende i sitt foredrag på Royal Geographical Society i London.
Nordem: 20 years of providing civilian capacity in human rights and democratisation
22.11.2013- Nordem’s 20 years’ anniversary is really worth celebrating. But the nature of your work gives us no time to rest, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende i sin åpningstale ved markeringen av jubileet.
Tale i anledning Democratic Voice of Burmas flytting tilbake til Myanmar
21.11.2013Dear friends of the Democratic Voice of Burma Dear friends of free media, Sometimes, a single moment can illustrate a change of historic proportions. This is such a moment. For more than 20 years, you in the DVB have carried out your work in exile,
Advancing Afghan Women: Promoting Peace and Progress in Afghanistan
15.11.2013- As we now enter a new phase in Afghanistan - with the withdrawal of ISAF - we must ensure that the hard-won gains of Afghan women are not lost. We will hold the Afghan Government accountable, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende da han innledet på Georgetown University.
The Arctic: Major Opportunities – Major Responsibilities
14.11.2013- In the Arctic we need to go forward gradually - step by step - following high environmental and safety standards. We have to make sure that the development of the resources is conducted in a sustainable manner. This requires investments of both financial and intellectual capital. But it is the most important investment we can make for the future Arctic, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende i sin tale i Washington D.C.
Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Challenges & opportunities in Asia & Europe
11.11.2013- We have to show the same kind of spirit as we saw after the 2008 crisis. We have to think out of the box on a broad range of areas. We have to make necessary global structural changes, so that we can deliver on reviving long-term, sustainable economic growth, and create all the jobs that the young people of the world will need, sa utenriksminister Brende bl.a. i sin tale under utenriksministermøtet i The Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) i New Delhi, 11. november 2013.
Åpningsinnlegg på seminar om International Mediation Trends: processes and experiences
06.11.2013- The human tragedy (in Syria) compels us to do our utmost to end the violence. To prepare the ground for a political settlement. And to limit the devastating consequences for the region, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende da han åpnet et seminar om "International Mediation Trends: processes and experiences" i Ankara.
Åpning av Norwegian-African Business Summit (NABA)
01.11.2013-I believe we can eradicate extreme poverty by 2030, and make sure that all children in Africa have the same basic opportunities as children in Norway. It is possible if we implement the right policies, if we are proactive, and if we work in line with the perspectives of this conference, sa utenriksminister Brende bl.a. i sitt innlegg under NABA-konferansen i Oslo 1. november.
Appell til fakkeltog for forfulgte kristne
31.10.2013- Sårbare minoriteter rammes av hatefulle ytringer og vold. De trenger vår støtte. Jeg kan forsikre dere om at jeg vil videreføre UDs arbeid for tros- og livssynsfrihet og for alle minoriteter, sa utenriksminister Børge Brende i sin appell til et fakkeltog for forfulgte kristne 31. oktober
14th Session of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Tromsø, 29 October 2013.
29.10.2013Statement by Mr Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Chair of Barents Euro-Arctic Council
En aktiv nordområdepolitikk – vekst og nyskapning i nord
28.10.2013Utenriksminister Børge Brende la fram regjeringens nordområdepolitikk på et åpent møte på Universitetet i Tromsø mandag 28. oktober. Les talen «En aktiv nordområdepolitikk - vekst og nyskapning i nord».