Norwegian-Chilean seminar on Antartica, Punta Arenas, Chile
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg
Utgiver: Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet
Tale/innlegg | Dato: 30.03.2019
Speech held during the state visit to Chile.
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Your Majesties,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The global demand for food is increasing.
Luckily, we have made ourselves a global plan.
We have to end hunger.
And take better care of the oceans.
Up until now, less than five percent of the food consumed worldwide comes from the oceans.
There is a huge potential for increasing this share.
That is promising news for our nations.
However, if we are going to provide more seafood to a growing world population, we have to do it the right way.
The sustainable way.
As two of the leading seafood nations in the world, we have a particular obligation in this regard.
Norway and Chile have a lot in common.
We are both great seafood nations.
And, we both have common interests in the Antarctic waters.
Norway highly appreciates the strong cooperation in CCAMLR.
Our scientists are working well together.
Both on krill management. And the MPAs.
It is crucial that CCAMLR continue to practice a precautionary management approach.
And this approach has to entail a balance between conservation and the rational use of marine resources.
Key priorities are the upcoming revisions of the krill management for Subarea 48.
Where Norwegian and Chilean industry, as major operators, have a common interest.
We are also pleased with the scientific cooperation on an MPA in Domain 1.
Let us hope a consensus solution can be achieved within a reasonable time period.
In addition, the krill industry also has a close cooperation through ARK.
These two common platforms – science and marine industries – are crucial for a sustainable fishery for krill.
And they are an important part of the good cooperation between our countries, now and in the future.
Bilateral dialogue is not only important, but also essential.
On several levels.
We have to facilitate the cooperation between the industry, the science and modern monitoring technology.
We need a more adaptive approach in order to facilitate rational harvesting with conservation.
We are convinced that this is a feasible way forward.
We appreciate the participation by Chile and ARK in the 2019 krill investigations.
We now look forward to further cooperation during the post-processing phase and reporting to CCAMLR later this year.
Dear all,
In the future, we will be even more dependent on the oceans.
They will provide us with more food, energy and medicine.
That is why we have to adjust how we use the oceans.
We have to prevent the world's marine ecosystems from being destroyed.
By marine litter and mismanagement.
We have to manage our marine resources more sustainably.
We have to show the rest of the world that it is possible to strike the right balance between production and protection.
Let us lead the way.
Let us be good role models.
Examples to follow.
Let us continue to work closer together.
It is important for Norway.
For Chile.
And for the rest of the world.
Thank you for your attention!