Historisk arkiv

New Labour and Welfare Service

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet

The new Labour and Welfare Service was inaugurated Monday 3. July. -This is an important move towards the realisation of the principal political objective that more persons should participate in the labour market, said Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen in his opening speech.

New Labour and Welfare Service

The new Labour and Welfare Service was inaugurated Monday 3. July. -This is an important move towards the realisation of the principal political objective that more persons should participate in the labour market, said Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen in his opening speech. The speech was held at the new Directorate of Labour and Welfare in Oslo.

The inauguration of the Labour and Welfare Service also marks the abolishment of Aetat, the National Insurance Service and NAV Interim. The Directorate of Labour and Welfare is established at the same time as as the new Service. The Department of Welfare Policy in the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion has the administrative responsibility for the new Service.

New organisation map for the Ministry.