Historisk arkiv

Norway aims to be best in health, safety and environment in the Petroleum Activities

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet

"Our ambition is for Norwegian petroleum activities to lead the world when it comes to health, safety and the environment," says Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Bjarne Håkon Hanssen. Today's petroleum activities maintain a generally high level of health, environment and safety. However, these activities have the potential for major accidents which can entail the risk of personal injuries as well as occupational illness and pollution of the environment.

Press release

No.: 39
Date: 07.04.06

Norway aims to be best in health, safety and environment in the Petroleum Activities

"Our ambition is for Norwegian petroleum activities to lead the world when it comes to health, safety and the environment," says Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Bjarne Håkon Hanssen. Today's petroleum activities maintain a generally high level of health, environment and safety. However, these activities have the potential for major accidents which can entail the risk of personal injuries as well as occupational illness and pollution of the environment.

In White Paper No. 12 (2005-2006) Health, environment and safety in the petroleum activities, which was presented today, the government points out central development trends and challenges in the petroleum activities on the shelf and the land facilities which the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) is responsible for following up.

There have been considerable annual variations in the risk of major accidents in the period after 2000, although we cannot see a clear trend. The number of incidents has been small, but the potential consequences associated with a few of these incidents are nevertheless so great that we must conclude that there has been no decline in the overall level of risk. Improvement of the risk level in certain areas appears to have a clear link to the industry's and the authorities' particular focus on these areas.

"We cannot say that we are satisfied with this, and therefore ask all involved parties to maintain the ambition of being a leading industry, and help to ensure a continuous and strong focus on integrated HSE work in the industry. In the PSA, we will focus particularly on reducing the risk of gas leaks, well incidents, ships on collision course and damage to load-bearing structures," says the Minister.

The human and socioeconomic consequences of occupational illness and injuries in the petroleum activities are substantial. Therefore, the industry must maintain constant focus on preventing employees from being exposed to working conditions and various types of strains that lead to early expulsion from these jobs. In this context, the authorities will increase their efforts in issues including working hours and chemical exposure. These efforts include dedicated projects to identify and prioritize R&D needs in connection with previous and current exposure to chemicals, and in relation to the special working hours schemes that exist on the shelf.

Diving, as it takes place in today's offshore petroleum activities, is regarded as being a sound activity. There will be a review of the regulations for professional diving in sheltered waters, in part to ensure rapid and more extensive harmonization of the PSA's regulations.

"The White Paper highlights the need for a greater commitment to research. Risk management, the scope and causes of absence due to illness, the effects of today's working hours schemes and the connection between exposure to chemicals and occupational illness are among the topics where we need more knowledge," says Hanssen.