Historisk arkiv

Austrian EU Presidency. Informal Meeting of Youth Ministers, 29 — 31 Marc 2006, Bad Ischl.

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet

In Norway we have followed the implementation and development of the proposals of the White Paper of the European Commission. The four priority areas, Participation, Information, Voluntary activities and Better knowledge of youth are of general interest for all European countries, and we are prepared for a closer cooperation with the member countries and the European Commission on the implementation on the common objectives of the priority areas.

Austrian EU Presidency. Informal Meeting of Youth Ministers, 29 – 31 Marc 2006, Bad Ischl.

Intervention by Ms Karita Bekkemellem, Minister of Children and Equality, NORWAY.

Dear Madam Chairperson,

Dear Colleagues,

I will like to thank the Austrian Presidency and especially you Misses Haubner, for the invitation to participate in this informal meeting of Ministers responsible for youth policy. As a partner from an EFTA/EEA country, I appreciate the possibility to take part in a discussion and exchange of opinions on how we together can develop elements for a European youth policy.

In Norway we have followed the implementation and development of the proposals of the White Paper of the European Commission. The four priority areas, Participation, Information, Voluntary activities and Better knowledge of youth are of general interest for all European countries, and we are prepared for a closer cooperation with the member countries and the European Commission on the implementation on the common objectives of the priority areas. In this context we are also ready to take part in the Open Method of Coordination, as we are doing in other policy fields, like the cooperation on education policy. This has of course to be carried out in accordance with the regulation of the EEA agreement.

Participation of young people in society is one of the items you have invited us to comment on. This is an important question in all democratic countries. In my opinion we have to promote different methods in order to encourage participation and involvement of children and young people in society. The methods have to be in line with the wishes and aspirations of young people themselves. They have to take into account the situation in each country and local community. The methods and instruments used have to be flexible and based on local experiences. And the methods have to give young people a real influence. This is probably the most important element. Participation is not a game or a theatre play. Decision makers and civil servants working in the administration on central and local level have to take young people serious and take advantage of the resources they represent. In my opinion this is of utmost importance to give children and young people the belief in the democratic traditions we have in Europe.

Dear Madam Chairperson,

In respect of your appeal to be short, I will close by this, and I hope we will have the possibility to continue this afternoon with a constructive dialogue with the youth representatives.

Thank you for the attention.