Historisk arkiv

Norway’s Development Strategies and the Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals — a Gender Perspective

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet

The CEDAW and the Beijing Platform for Action are important tools. Together with the efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals, we can pave the way to gender equality and thus, a better life for all.

Norway’s Development Strategies and the Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals – a Gender Perspective

Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem, Norway
Address to round table discussion at CSW-50
New York, 27 February 2006

Madame Chair;

First of all, I want to underline the Norwegian commitment to the millenniums goals. Secondly, Norway seeks to promote the gender perspective within the Millenniums Goals. In order to develop targeted measures to make a difference, one has to use gender analysis.

The CEDAW and the Beijing Platform for Action are important tools. Together with the efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals, we can pave the way to gender equality and thus, a better life for all.

To bring about gender equality as part of the Millennium Goals, we need solid gender – awareness in all development programs and fields. I therefore urge for more cross-sectorial cooperation between UN agencies and programs, as to integrate gender issues. Such cooperation will also make us more effective.

The main findings of a recent Norwegian evaluation were:

  • Gender mainstreaming is supposed to be the main focus, but often remains little more than an “add-on”
  • Responsibility and accountability are key words. We need proper reporting systems. Today it seems to be more like: Everyone is committed, no one is accountable !

There are also challenges within the UN:

  • Gender equality must be integrated into all policies, strategies, programmes and activities
  • Proper reporting systems and common indicators to track the progress of the UN country teams must be established
  • The under-representation of women, especially at senior level, must be addressed

Gender equality is one of the four pillars of our new government’s development policy.

My government is now in the process of drawing up a new, national action plan for gender equality in development cooperation as well as an action plan for the implementation of resolution 1325.

These plans will be important tools in the efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and gender equality.

It is now time for more action and less talk for all of us.