Historisk arkiv

Welcoming address at the conference "Early interventions for infants and small children in families at risk"

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet

By State Secretary Kjell Erik Øie

The Government strongly want to increase the effort for infants and small children in families at risk.

State Secretary Kjell Erik Øie, Ministry of Children and Equality in Norway

Welcoming address at the conference "Early interventions for infants and small children in families at risk"

Oslo 27. april 2006

Dear participants,

It is a pleasure for me to welcome you to Norway and Oslo to this conference about early intervensions for infants and small children in families at risk. Gathered in this room today are experts from both Norway and from different countries working with the theme. I especially want to express my gratitude to the guests from abroad, which are willing to share their knowledge with us.

The Government strongly want to increase the effort for infants and small children in families at risk. This year, for example, my ministry along with the ministry of health and care services, have a special focus on developing the effort concerning children of parents who misuse alcohol and drugs, or children of parents who suffer of mental illness. As a part of developing the broad area about children and families in risk in Norway, we are gathered here to listen to and discuss important issues concerning this theme.

One major challenge is to identify infants and small children in families at risk through developing and use good mapping in the municipalities and state services. Another important challenge concerns identifying good methods to give help to families at risk. A third challenge is to enhance the skills in all the services which work with small children and families at risk. This of course also demand good cooperation between the services.

To a certain extent the problem-creating factors, challenges and solutions concerning different problems are specific. However, I wish to underline that there is a need for viewing all these problems within the extended context of infants and small children in families at risk. We know that social and individual conditions which are putting families at risk are complex.

In Norway, we are in progress on all these challenges, but we need further more input based on research. I think we can learn a lot from you who participate on this conference. We are facing some common problems and challenges. These challenges are more or less world-wide.

To leave no child behind is at the core of our effort. Every child has the right to a future and to a development in accordance with his and her potential. This right, stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, is there for every child. The Government is responsible to accomplish this for infants and small children in families at risk And all professionals working with these families are responsible to give the right help to accomplish that children get an opportunity to develop as every other child.

To the benefit of infants and small children in families at risk who need assistance and care - and for your own insight - I wish you all a successful conference!

Thank you for your attention.