Historisk arkiv

Seminar om EUs utvidede sikkerhetsarbeid

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Europaportalen

<p><span lang="EN-GB" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-language: EN-GB">EU-delegasjonen arrangerer 22. juni heldagsseminaret "The new European Security Order" for å sette søkelys på etablert samarbeid og trender i skjæringspunktet mellom sikkerhetspolitikk og&nbsp;samfunnssikkerhet.&nbsp;Seminaret markerer det første i delegasjonens nye seminarserie "Europadialoger".</span></p>

“This is a timely occasion to take a comprehesive look at the many and rapid changes within the European Security Order,” says Counsellor for Justice Affairs, Fredrik Bøckman Finstad, and Assistant Information Counsellor, Eirik Bergesen.

Norway follows the EU processes closely, and we are in constant contact with the member states on these matters. The seminar allows us to showcase our cooperation and highlight some of the current trends in the field”.

The seminar will be held at "Norway House" and is as follows:

1. General introduction, Norwegian State Secretary of Justice of Home Affairs

Eirik Øwre Thorshaug

2. The European Security Strategy and the 2008 Implementation Report, Sec.Gen.

Solana's Policy Unit, Senior Advisor Michael Doczy

3. Civil Protection in the EU, DG ENV, Director Pia Bucella

4. Security and JHA, DG JFS, Head of Sector Dick Heimans

5. NATOs Civil Emergency Planning, Chair of NATO's Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee, Ambassador Mauritz Jochems

6. Crisis Management in the EU and the Swedish Presidency, Stockholm, Director Pia Övelius