Historisk arkiv

Joint Strike Fighter cooperation

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

Partner nations involved in the Joint Strike Fighter development programme met on March 7 in Noordwijk to discuss JSF cooperation in a European framework.

Joint Strike Fighter cooperation

(10 March 06) Partner nations involved in the Joint Strike Fighter development programme met on March 7 in Noordwijk to discuss JSF cooperation in a European framework. The starting point for this meeting is the situation that would arise if the partner nations were to decide at the end of 2006 to participate in the production, sustainment and follow-on development programme of the JSF.

Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Turkey were represented in Noordwijk. The procurement of the JSF will be subject to parliamentary decision or approval in the respective partner countries.

Given the fact that the production, sustainment and the follow-on development of the Joint Strike Fighter will span the next 30 to 40 years, substantial interests are involved. These include not only European cooperation in the field of the operational deployability of the JSF, but also employment, strengthening of the knowledge economy and industrial turnover.

At least two conditions should be met before a European plan can be formulated: the development of a shared European vision of the assembly and sustainment processes, and the support of the initiative by the US authorities and aircraft and engine producers, also with a view to technology transfer. These issues were the subject of extensive debate today, and partner nations present emphasised the importance of European cooperation in the context of the JSF programme.

The next step is for the plan to be worked out in detail in consultation with the US authorities and the industries involved. The joint plan should be completed by the summer of 2006. The joint plan can then be taken into consideration in the decision-making process on the Memorandum of Understanding in respect of the production and sustainment of the JSF, which is expected to be signed by all partners by the end of 2006.