Historisk arkiv

Continued Norwegian participation in JSF

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

The Norwegian Government has today decided to continue participation in the Joint Strike Fighter programme. The decision came after Lockheed Martin presented an improved package for Norwegian industry.

Press release

No.: 27/2006
Date: 08.05.06

Continued Norwegian participation in JSF

The Norwegian Government has today decided to continue participation in the Joint Strike Fighter programme. The decision came after Lockheed Martin presented an improved package for Norwegian industry. So far potential contracts of up to 20 billion NOK have been identified. The agreement entails that the Norwegian Government will contribute 114 million NOK to the JSF programme, in addition to the 429 million that has already been paid.

I want to emphasize that this decision does not mean that we have decided which aircraft Norway will procure, but I am satisfied that our efforts to strengthen Norwegian industry’s opportunities have been rewarded, should we decide to choose JSF, says Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen. This work has been carried out in close dialogue with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and in my opinion it serves as an excellent example of active Norwegian industry policy.

There are at present four potential candidates for the possible Norwegian procurement of new aircrafts. These are Eurofighter, Joint Strike Fighter, JAS Gripen and Rafale.

– In the time to come we will examine the other three candidates in more detail with regards to industrial and operational matters. This way we will have a best possible basis for comparison when the decision on future aircrafts for the Norwegian Armed Forces is to be made, says Strøm-Erichsen.

For additional information, please contact Kaare Helland-Olsen: +47 90947071