Historisk arkiv

Konvensjon om klaseammunisjon vedtatt i dag

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

Statssekretær Espen Barth Eide er meget fornøyd med at konvensjonen som forbyr klaseammunisjon ble vedtatt i Dublin i dag. Avtalen skal signeres i Oslo 3. desember i år. Barth Eide holdt avslutningsinnlegget for konferansen.

Irlands utenriksinister Micheal Martin og statssekretær Espen Barth Eide
Ireland's Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin and State Secretary Espen Barth Eide.
Photo: Werner Anderson/Cox/Norsk Folkehjelp

Minister, Excellencies, Dear friends,

We have come a long way since Norway hosted the first meeting of the Oslo Process in February last year. As the months passed, new states joined the process.

Well over one hundred states, the Cluster Munition Coalition, the United Nations and the Red Cross movement have been gathered here in Dublin. Through dedication and strong effort, we have concluded our work and adopted a convention banning cluster munitions - in less than two weeks. 

It has not been easy. For some, it was necessary to make important concessions. I would particularly like to express our appreciation to those states that were able to move on from their initial positions in order to make this outcome possible.

Together we have achieved a strong, comprehensive agreement.                 

We have added a new, important instrument to the international rules for the protection of civilians in war. This is a victory for international humanitarian law, and yet another proof of the potential in the partnership between states, civil society, and the United Nations system to take action and mobilise the necessary political will to address important humanitarian questions. 

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a complete and categorical ban on all cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians.

It sets new standards for assistance to victims and international cooperation. It provides for adequate clearance of affected areas. 

It leads to genuine improvements of the lives of the victims, their families and their communities.

It enhances our common security by preventing future proliferation of cluster munitions by providing for the destruction of stockpiles within a clear time-frame.  

And finally and most importantly; it means that many civilian lives that would otherwise be lost due to the devastating effect of cluster munitions can now be saved.  

Today, we have adopted a legal text, but we have simultaneously established a norm that will have effect beyond the confines of the Treaty itself.

We live in the 21st Century. States do care not only about legality, but also about the perceived legitimacy and “appropriateness” of their international behaviour.

By concluding this Treaty, we have already established a standard that makes actual use of cluster munitions less “appropriate” than it was only weeks ago – also for potential users not present in this room.  

This Conference is drawing towards a close, but the work has just begun. 

Together, we must strive to ensure that as many states as possible join the convention – also states that have not been here in Dublin over the two last weeks.  

x x x

Mr. Minister: It is my great pleasure to thank Ireland, and yourself, for your forceful and dedicated leadership and warm hospitality. The manner in which the negotiations have been conducted have been instrumental in making the tcome so successful.

A particular word of appreciation to you, Mr. President, for your personal commitment.

x x x

It is an honour and a great pleasure for me, on behalf of the Norwegian government, to invite you all to come to Oslo for the signing of the Convention on Cluster Munitions 3 December this year.

Thank you, Mr. Minister




Illustration: State Secretary Espen Barth Eide receives CMCs (Cluster Munitions Coalition) Action Plan from Branislav Kapetanovic. - Photo: Werner Anderson/Cox/Norsk Folkehjelp

Tidligere minerydder Branislav Kapetanovic overleverer til statssekretær Barth Eide CMCs (Cluster Munitions Coalition) Action Plan