Historisk arkiv

"Strong partners in a changing world"

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

Norwegian-American Defense and Homeland Security Industry Council (NADIC) har hatt sitt første årlige symposium. Les statssekretær Eirik Øwre Thorshaugs tale "American-Norwegian Defense industry – strong partners in a changing world" her.

(sjekkes mot fremføring)

Your Excellency Mr. Ambassador,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very happy to be here today, and to be given the opportunity to adress you at the opening of the NADIC Symposium, the first annual symposium here in Oslo. It is also a great opportunity to see so many distinguished guests and representatives from the industry taking part in this event. In particular, Ambassador White, I thank you for your contribution. You and your staff at the embassy exemplify the close relationship between Norway and the United States, and I thank you for your good work.

Only a month ago, NADIC, the Norwegian-American Defense and Homeland Security Industry Council, was launched in Washington DC. NADIC has defined a bold goal: To strengthen bilateral industrial co-operation and promote equal opportunities in the US market. Nevertheless, a clear goal is always needed and we can only move forward when we aim for higher achievements.

The Norwegian Government supports the creation of NADIC and wishes you all the best on the path you have chosen. As I understand, you plan on organizing events like todays on a regular basis. I wish you all the best!

Supporting all constructive initiatives

The US is Norway's must important ally and we support all constructive initiatives that will strengthen our relations. Norway and the US work closely in a vast range of areas. The defense sector is one, but a very important one comprising the full spectrum of activities from operations, training, education, research and development to materiel procurement. The government and the Armed Forces attach great importance to this relationship and we work actively to develop it further.

On behalf of NADIC, although it may seem early to pass judgment, I am optimistic. So when we in turn see some achievements on your part, it would perhaps make sense to look to the other Nordic countries, including them in this effort. Our government is favorable towards and ready to support any positive and well-functioning Nordic co-operation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our government conducts an active industry policy and work hard to secure fair and equal opportunities for the industry in Norway. For the government the follow up on Report to the Storting #38 (2006-2007) Defence and Industry – Strategic Partners – is our policy basis and form our strategy for business and industrial aspects of Defence procurements. The framework we create for conducting business provides an environment for entrepreneurship, open competition and transparency. In addition, we take care of the worker's rights and we promote incentives for establishing companies in every part of the country, not only to pre-designed areas.

Promoting level playing field in the defense markets of our allies is an important task being carried out by our Ministry of Defense. We believe that only through fair competition and the choice of best equipment for best value, we will be able to continue supporting our troops. In doing so, the defense industry must be able to reach the customer also in foreign markets. International competition in the defense market is a prerequisite for technology development. It is the safety and the efficiency of the soldier we have in mind.

Develop and procure in co-operation with allies

In a changing security environment, the importance of NATO as supplier of our common defence is indeed increasing. In order to uphold the relevance and resolve of NATO, we must all seek to ensure that the Alliance is organized and equipped with the necessary capabilities. One of the most important tools in that respect is to develop and procure defence materiel in co-operation with allies. In that capacity, I see a clear role for NADIC and its members. Developing the best equipment together providing the best value for money for our armed forces is truly Smart Defense! Today's symposium gives you, the representatives of the defence and homeland security industry, and an excellent opportunity to team up in new partnerships. Partners and allies stand stronger facing the uncertain future. Let me challenge each and every one of you today to reach out and meet new partners during this event.

There are a large number of examples of successful projects in the US-Norwegian relations. They have all concluded in strengthening our air, land and sea forces. For the time being, the most important issue, of course, is the procurement of a new, fifth generation fighter aircraft. It is the most expensive investment for mainland Norway ever and it is very important to us that it becomes a success. That is the primary reason why the government calls for successful industrial co-operation and we must see NADIC as an element in this respect. There is substantial potential in the F-35 industrial program, and Norway is already a significant contributor. Operating in a best value environment the competition for contracts among the international partners is rigorous. Our industry is highly competitive within its niche capabilities and a number of Norwegian companies have already won contracts and are prepared to continue competing in a variety of areas. This remains a long-term effort with many contracts being awarded also in the years to come. We are prepared to support our industry in this endeavor.

In supporting NADIC, I will also take this opportunity to emphasize the responsibilities of the defence and homeland security industries. NADIC is a non-profit trade association and must be aware of its role and attention. We expect an open and transparent association, fulfilling its role as a provider of sound and appropriate industry engagement for the benefit of us all. Your leading role will be scrutinized by the public and you must be prepared to stand any test.

More competitive with high ethical standards

Earlier this month, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented its annual White Paper on Export Control to Parliament. Norway continues the policy of strict export control on defence equipment and will follow-up on strengthening the international efforts, wherever possible, to that aim. It is the responsibility of any government to foster laws and regulations of export control. Further on, we believe the industry has an ethical responsibility both in foreign sale, but also in conducting business. This is important for the government. High ethical standards and transparency are features that make the industry more competitive.

I wish all the best to NADIC and its members, and all the best for this first symposium. Use this opportunity well, to the benefit of us all, and spend your time wisely! Good luck with your new Council.

Thank you for your attention!