Historisk arkiv

70-års jubileet for Tungtvannsaksjonen på Vemork

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

Tale fra statssekretæren på Vemork i forbindelse med 70-års jubileet.

Vemork, 26 February 2013
Statssekretær i Forsvarsdepartementet Eirik Øwre Thorshaug (Ap)

Sjekkes mot fremføring


Dear Joachim Rønneberg

The Rønneberg Family


Distinguished guests,


Faced with history like today I become respectful and humble.

It is a great honour to take part in this commemoration - of a unique event - 70 years back in time here at Vemork, in Telemark.

It is seldom Norwegians use grand language.

We rarely apply strong and emotional words.

We prefer modesty and humility.

However, on a historical day like this, an exception should be made.

"Operation Gunnerside” involved huge risks.

It called for courage, and it called for knowledge, training and endurance.

During the Norwegian World War II resistance, perhaps no other operation was more significant than “Gunnerside”.

Nine young Norwegian men from Company Linge, after receiving training in Scotland, were given the task of preempting the German attempt to develop a nuclear bomb, using heavy water produced at Hydro's plant at Rjukan.

A mission that at the time was crucial.

A mission taking place against a sad backdrop, occasioned by a preceding Operation Freshman, and as we know had the most fatal outcome.

As stated in one of Norway’s leading newspapers on this commemoration: "The operation set an example". It has been characterized as the most successful act of sabotage during the War.

The mission, initiated by the British "Special Operations Executive" (SOE) is appropriately documented. Internationally through the well-known movie "The heroes of Telemark" in 1965.

Sir Winston Churchill onced remarked that WWII was “a war of the Unknown Warriors”. In a BBC Broadcast, from London, on 14 July 1940 he stated:

This is no war of chieftains or of princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and of causes.

I am happy that some of the names are well-known.

Their stories told. Their achievements commemorated.

In advance of this anniversary, the focus of Norwegian media coverage has been twofold.

First, the modesty of the soldiers taking part.

Amidst us here today is one of them. At the impressive age of 93 years, but still standing tall, upright and stylish. The leader of "Operation Gunnerside," at that time the 2. Lieutenant, Joachim Rønneberg from Ålesund. Later today he will offer his own account of what took place, 70 years ago. I look forward to his presentation.

It is living history.

Truly, one of the warriors - that deserve to be commemorated.

Allow me to convey warm greetings from the Minister of Defence. She wanted to be here today, but is in Northern Norway together with the British Minister of Defence.

Second, as an important lesson from a political perspective, I will say the following: The need for modern, well trained SOF forces provided with good intelligence remain solid.

This capacity and capability is still valid for the security challenges our society faces today.

To most Norwegians the sabotage of the Vemork power-station is one of the most well-known examples of Norwegian resistance to Nazi occupation.

To our closest allies, United Kingdom and the United States, the operation reminds us of the strong transatlantic bonds existing between our nations for more than 70 years.

This highlights another important dimension. At this lunch table, are representatives of three Allied nations that fought together against Hitler's tyranny, and eventually won the peace!

Literally, today we are back in the setting in which a strong transatlantic relationship was in the making. The legacy and lessons of Company Linge, are important to Special Operation forces today.

On behalf the Norwegian Government I would like to thank Mr Joachim Rønneberg and his comrades.

Thank you for your courage and bravery.

Thank you for your efforts at a time when it was needed the most.

Thank you on behalf of generations that were given freedom and democracy through the efforts of many modest warriors.

It is with great respect and appreciation I propose a big hand of applause to the man of honour - resistance fighter Joachim Rønneberg.