Historisk arkiv

Counter-measures initiated by Norwegian authorities to prevent escapees

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

The government is seriously addressing the problem of escaping fish. The Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs appointed a dedicated Commission on Escapes from Aquacultures on 05.07.2006.

Press release

No.: 60/2006
Date: 05.07.2006
Contact: Senior Adviser Rune Bildeng, tel. + 47 22 24 64 75

Counter-measures initiated by Norwegian authorities to prevent escapees

The government is seriously addressing the problem of escaping fish. The Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs appointed a dedicated Commission on Escapes from Aquacultures on 05.07.2006.

“The most important tasks for the Commission on Escapes from Aquacultures will be to undertake an investigation into major escapes, and to operate a system which ensures optimal knowledge transfer. One escaped farmed fish is one too many”, comments Helga Pedersen at the Annual General Meeting of the Fisheries and Coastal Industries National Organization.

The Directorate of Fisheries has drawn up a 29-point action package to stop farmed fish from escaping, and this includes stricter reactions for companies that loose fish. “Both the industry and administration must make an all-out effort to stop escapees. The high escape figures for the winter of 2006 are unacceptable. The target is zero escapees,” emphasises Pedersen.

The Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs underlined once again that it is the responsibilities of whoever farms fish in the sea to prevent and stop escape, to notify the authorities in the event of an escape, to implement measures to re-capture any escaped fish and to use the experiences to prevent new escapes. The task of the Authorities is to secure the best possible regulations, carry out inspections and control, and to implement sanctions against breaches of the regulations.