Historisk arkiv

Invitation to attend a round table discussion of ministers on IUU (illegal, unregulated and unreported) fishing

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

The media are welcome to follow the round table discussions and will be given an opportunity to ask questions of the ministers at a subsequent press conference.

Press release

No.: 64/2006
Date: 24.07.06
Contact person: Director General Johán H. Williams +47 22 24 64 40
Contact person: Head of Information Bjarne Myrstad +47 22 24 64 09

Invitation to attend a round table discussion of ministers on IUU (illegal, unregulated and unreported) fishing – Trondheim, Monday 7 August

Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Helga Pedersen has invited a number of minister colleagues to a roundtable conference in Trondheimon Monday, 7 August to discuss problems relating to IUU-fishing.

The media are welcome to follow the round table discussions and will be given an opportunity to ask questions of the ministers at a subsequent press conference.

The meeting will be held at Radisson SAS Royal Garden Hotel in Trondheim.

The roundtable conference will start Monday, 7 August at 09.00.

The press conference starts at 15.30.

Participation at the roundtable conference is not completely set, though it is clear that the ministers from the United Kingdom, Scotland, Portugal, Morocco, Sweden and Norway will attend. In addition, there will be representatives from the EU, Germany and Iceland.

In the margin of the meeting, arranged as an open lunch event, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, will give a presentation of their work towards IUU-fishing on a global basis.

More advance information will be announced closer to the date of the meeting.
