Historisk arkiv

Nor-Fishing 2006

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

Speech by the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Helga Pedersen - 8 August - Trondheim

Speech by the the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Helga Pedersen.

Nor-Fishing 2006

Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Helga Pedersen

8 August - Trondheim

Deres Majestet, ministrer, eksellenser, mine damer og herrer;

Det er en glede for meg å kunne hilse dere alle i anledning årets NorFishing, som er den 21. i rekken. Spesielt gledelig er det at Deres Majestet er til stede og foretar åpningen.

Kongefamilien har gjennom generasjoner vist en særlig interesse for norsk fiskerinæring. Allerede i 1908 besøkte kong Haakon Trondheim for å foreta åpningen av Skandinavisk Fiskeriutstilling. Siden har det blitt mange messeåpninger for det norske kongehuset.

Dette engasjementet fra kongehuset har gitt disse fagmessene stor oppmerksomhet både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Jeg vil gjerne benytte denne anledningen til å uttrykke vår takknemlighet for dette sterke engasjementet.

Av hensyn til våre mange utenlandske gjester og besøkende vil jeg fortsette på engelsk – og ber om deres forståelse for det.

Your Majesty, fellow ministers, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure and honour to have the privilege to greet you all.

The Norwegian fishing and aquaculture industries are established as key players in a worldwide context. This has enabled Nor-Fishing to grow and maintain its high standards. This exhibition’s vital role is underscored by the presence of so many international exhibitors, distinguished guests and visitors.

The diversity of exhibitors and visitors at Nor-Fishing is evidence of the multifaceted nature of those among you who serve the fisheries industry in different ways. You represent an absolutely vital industry which generates crucial jobs and economic activity.

With around 450 exhibitors from 17 countries, Nor-Fishing provides a great display of cutting-edge technology, innovation and science. The exhibition highlights recent and future developments with regard to improvements of equipment, gear, safety and services.

In this way the NorFishing exhibition mirrors the future prospects of the sector. Although the general picture is promising, there are obstacles that need to be removed if we shall safeguard a sustainable resource management and thus secure the future for our fishermen, fish producers, exporters and customers.

The main problem we are facing for the time being is the widespread illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (which in short is called IUU-fishing). This is a global problem. To Norway and neighbouring states this activity is now also an immense local problem.

IUU-fishing in the Barents Sea has over the last years developed into a multi-million industry that has lead to a level of over-fishing that threatens the management of the cod-stock in the Barents Sea.

Our government has put the battle against IUU-fishing as a main priority on our political agenda. This is a fight that has to be fought on many arenas. I have found it necessary to maintain a high level of political awareness and have focused on this violation of our management system whenever I have had the opportunity the last year since our Government came into position.

Therefore I was content with the broad and high-levelled participation in the round table conference we had here in Trondheim yesterday. I am grateful to my esteemed colleagues from Portugal, Morocco, Sweden and Scotland and distinguished delegates from Germany, Iceland, UK, and the EU-Commission and the excellent and constructive discussion we had on how to combat IUU-fishing.

I am sure that with the political will shown, and through the means we have identified, we will by joining forces and increasing the cooperation between the flag-states and the port-states, be able to reduce the IUU-activities substantially and finally bring it to a halt. I promise you that I will not rest until that goal is reached.

The challenge at hand is immense, and commands action and involvement from us all. At the Nor-Fishing exhibition the different branches of the marine industry required to solve these issues and reach our goal meet. We must employ every opportunity to good purpose. In this context I see the Nor-Fishing exhibition as an important and relevant event, and I am pleased to note that this year’s exhibition has drawn world wide interest.

The Nor-Fishing exhibition clearly illustrates the international significance and scope of the fisheries industry. Even in our technology-based age, meeting places or hubs where people and members of the trade can meet are important. Nor-Fishing is without doubt a meeting place of considerable proportions, and it contributes to the development of tomorrow’s fisheries.

On behalf of the Norwegian government, I would like to express our support in the work of the organizers to maintain and enhance the international importance and standing of Nor-Fishing. This exhibition is a welcomed arena where the participants can nurse and establish professional relationships, and share their visions, ideas and knowledge to improve the utilisation of our common living marine resource.

I will - on behalf of all of us - give honour to the organizers for their eminent work in arranging the exhibition, and I will thank the mayor of Trondheim for once again hosting the Nor-Fishing exhibition in their friendly and beautiful city.

Assured that we all will have interesting and rewarding days at Nor-Fishing 2006, I will wish the organisers, exhibitors, customers and visitors all the best for the days the exhibition lasts.

Thank you all for your attention.