CEPOL wants a cooperation agreement with Norway
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II
Utgiver: Justis- og politidepartementet
Nyhet | Dato: 23.01.2006 | Sist oppdatert: 04.10.2006
On 13 January, the Governing Board of the European Police College (CEPOL) authorised its Director to start negotiations with Norway about a cooperation agreement. CEPOL is a network of national training institutes in the EU Member States.
The European Police College (CEPOL) wants a cooperation agreement with Norway
On 13 January, the Governing Board of the European Police College (CEPOL) authorised its Director to start negotiations withNorway about a cooperation agreement. CEPOL is a network of national training institutes in the EU Member States. It offers training courses, seminars and conferences for senior police officers.
The Norwegian Police University College is already an associated member of CEPOL. Norway is also part of CEPOLs European Police Learner Network, its Police Science Database and exchange of trainers. Furthermore, experts from Norway participate in working groups trying to establish a common curricula and a common platform for Police Science in Europe.
According to the EU Council Decision setting up CEPOL it "may cooperate with national training institutes of non-member States of the European Union, in particular with those of the candidate countries, as well as with those of Iceland, Norway and Switzerland." Given the new formal status of CEPOL, it is necessary to formalise the cooperation with Norway.
CEPOL was first established in 2000. Recently, it became an official EU Body. CEPOL is located in Bramshill in the United Kingdom. More information can be obtained from their website.
The Norwegian national contact point for CEPOL is Ms Grete-Ba Flåten, International Coordinator, Norwegian Police University College.