Historisk arkiv

Tale ved åpningen av Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Kulturdepartementet

Holdt 15. januar 2013, Fokus kino, Tromsø

Holdt 15. januar 2013, Fokus kino, Tromsø.
(Det talte ord gjelder).

Through films we see people with our eyes, our heads and our hearts.
Through their stories we learn what it is to be human.
The broader the films are both in numbers and variation
- the broader our views become.

Tromsø International Film Festival plays an important role in bringing us these stories.
The festival is essential to the Norwegian film business.

Because the festival takes on a great responsibility in telling us the stories that do not always make their way to ordinary cinemas.
And because the festival – with their combination of pictures – also shows us the bigger picture.

Here, film makers from all over the world gather and share their views and experiences.
Here, the audience get to share the wonderful experience it can be to just sit back and open their eyes to a film.
Here the standard is set for the meaning of quality in a film festival.

The festival in Tromsø does pioneering work both regarding audience development and contents.
Your audience is indeed a loyal one.
They travel both short and vast distances to gain new perspectives.
School children of all ages are invited.
Disregarding temperatures we also get to see films outside – with the city’s spectacular nature as our surroundings.

Beside an ever exciting competition programme, retrospectives and thematic screenings, we get to see a side program which consists only of films made in the north.
And I know some of the locals take an extra winter holiday week to experience and support the festival.

This festival is a catalyst for the film community in the northern part of Norway.
Not only because this is the largest cultural event in this part of our country.
But also because you inspire our present and future film makers – and show their work on the big screen.

This means you are also a catalyst for the Norwegian film community as a whole.
Thank you for all your good endeavours.
And thank you for telling us all the great stories we otherwise wouldn’t easily get to see.

A filmmaker who has told us important stories about Norway in his own unique way is Hisham Zaman.
“Before Snowfall” takes us far abroad through a range of countries. And it takes us up close to a young man and his difficult dilemma.
As with so many other films in this festival programme – it is a story we need to see.

I wish you all a week of wonderful experiences.
I hereby declare the 23rd Tromsø International Film Festival open.