Historisk arkiv

Prop. 42 S (2011-2012) Amendments to Proposition 34 S to the Storting (2011–2012) Export Financing

Export Financing

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Nærings- og handelsdepartementet

Following the submission of Proposition 34 S (2011–2012) Export Financing, further information has come to light indicating a need to submit certain new proposals for resolution and to amend some of the proposals outlined in Proposition 34 S (2011–2012). In the present Proposition, the Ministry of Trade and Industry submits draft amendments to Proposition 34 S (2011–2012).

Following the submission of Proposition 34 S (2011–2012) Export Financing, further information has come to light indicating a need to submit certain new proposals for resolution and to amend some of the proposals outlined in Proposition 34 S (2011–2012). In the present Proposition, the Ministry of Trade and Industry submits draft amendments to Proposition 34 S (2011–2012).

Download the proposition.